“Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting: A Primer,” Oil, Gas and Energy Quarterly, (2024) V.72 N.1, September 2024, pp. 151-161.
“SECURE 2.0,” Oil, Gas and Energy Quarterly, (2023) V.72 N.4, December 2023, pp. 195-212.
"Casualty and Theft Losses," Oil, Gas and Energy Quarterly, (2022) V.71 N.1, September 2022, pp. 161-182.
"A Handy 2021 Federal Income Tax Update: Part 1," Oil, Gas and Energy Quarterly, (2022) V.70 N.4, June 2022, pp. 647-678.
"Qualified Business Income (QBI) Deduction," Oil, Gas and Energy Quarterly, (2019) V.67 N.1, September 2019, pp. 1-47.
"Problems Created by Eliminating Miscellaneous Itemized Deductions and Recommended Policy Solutions," (Philip J. Harmelink, David Manry), Tax Notes, (2018) V.160 N.8 pp.1111-1114.
"Tax Cuts and Jobs Act -- What's In It for You?" Oil, Gas and Energy Quarterly, (2018) V.66 N.4, pp.579-613.
"Attractiveness of S Corporations After 2017," (D. Larry Crumbley), Tax Notes, (2018) February 26, 2018, pp.1189-1196.
"Converting to a Roth IRA," (William M. VanDenburgh, Philip J. Harmelink), Practical Tax Strategies, (2018) V.100 N.1, pp.4-13.
“Issues Influencing Accounting Faculty to Remain at Their Schools,” (Rodger G. Holland, Arnold Schneider), Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business Research, (2015) V.4 N.1, pp.10-38.
“Benchmarking the Research Productivity of Accounting Doctorates,” (Alan Reinstein, Mohammad Abdolmohammadi), Issues in Accounting Education, (2012) V.27 N.4, pp. 943-978.
“The Need to Reform or Eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax,” (Philip J. Harmelink), Journal of Business Issues, (2011) V.2011 N.1, pp.63-70.
“What Happened to the Class of Year 2000: Examining Their Research and Employment Records,” (Alan Reinstein); Advances in Accounting, (2011) V.27 N.2, pp.318-324.
"Knowing One’s Place: The Distribution of New Accounting Academics into a Segmented Labor Market,” (Timothy J. Fogarty, Donald V. Saftner), Journal of Accounting Education, (2011) V.29 N.2-3, pp.89-99.
"A Longitudinal Study of the Research Productivity of Graduates of Accounting Doctoral Programs,” (Alan Reinstein, Philip M.J. Reckers), Advances in Accounting, (2011) V.27 N.1, pp.10-16.
"Pitfalls of Using Citation Indices for Making Academic Accounting Promotion, Tenure, Teaching Load, and Merit Pay Decisions," (Alan Reinstein, Mark E. Riley, & David H. Sinason); Issues in Accounting Education, (2011) V.26 N.1, pp.99-131.
"An Analysis of the Makeup of Academic Accounting," (Gregory C. Yost), Journal of Business, Industry and Economics, (Fall 2010) V.15, pp.65-77.
“The Need to Simplify the Tax Treatment of Capital Gains,” (Philip J. Harmelink, William M. VanDenburgh), Tax Notes, September 20, 2010, pp.1262-1267.
“Survey Responses: Mail Versus Email Solicitations," (Rodger G. Holland, Aileen Smith, Bryson Payne), Journal of Business & Economic Research, (2010) V.8 N.4, pp.24-31.
“A Further Inquiry into the Scholarly Productivity of Academic Accountants: Twenty Years of Evidence from Classes of 1980-1982,” (Ted D. Englebrecht, Timothy Bisping, Mary M. Anderson), Advances in Accounting, (2008) V.24 N.1, pp.24-31.
“Where Are Tomorrows Accounting Academics?" (Gadis J. Dillon, Sarah L. Frank), Journal of Business, Industry and Economics, (2007) V.9, pp.53-60.
“Doctoral and New Faculty Consortium Attendance: Signals of Future Research Success?” (Frederick Niswander, Hubert D. Glover, Donald W. Wells), Global Education Journal, (2007) V.2007 N.3, pp.88-105.
“Prolific Authors of Accounting Literature,” (Alan Reinstein, Edward S. Schwan), Advances in Accounting, (2003) V.20, pp.95-125.
“The Effect of Journal Quality on Accounting Faculty Remuneration: Does University Research Emphasis Matter?" (Todd L. Sayre, Carol M. Graham), Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences, (2001) V.8 N.1, pp.77-92.
"Research Misconduct in Accounting Literature: A Survey of the Most Prolific Researchers’ Actions and Beliefs,” (Charles D. Bailey, Julia N. Karcher), (2001) Abacus, V.37 N.1, pp.26-54.
“Association of Gender With Academic Accounting Salaries,” (Todd L. Sayre, Sarah Holmes, Robert H. Strawser, Beverly Roe), Journal of Accounting Education, (2000) V.18, N.3, pp.189-213.
"A Look at Gender Differences in Promotion and Mobility Patterns of Accounting Academics," (Iris A. Jenkel, Ceil Moran Pillsbury), Accounting Perspectives, (2000) V.6, pp.103-126.
"Benchmarks for Evaluating the Research Productivity of Accounting Faculty," (Alan Reinstein, Edward Schwan), Journal of Accounting Education, (2000) V.18, pp.79-97.
"Relational Demography and Career Outcomes Among Male and Female Academic Accountants," (Catherine Kirchmeyer, Alan Reinstein), Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research, (2000) V.3, 2000, pp.177-197.
"New Directions for Divisive Reoganizations," (D. Larry Crumbley), Oil, Gas and Energy Quarterly, Dec. 1998, pp.285-293.
"The Hiring of Women in Finance Academia," (Edward Dyl), Journal of Financial Education, Fall 1998.
"A Report of Gender and Professional Age of the Marketing Professorate," (G. Tomas M. Hult), The Journal of Marketing Education, May 1998, pp.35-40.
"A Literature Review of Articles Assessing Faculty Productivity," (Alan Reinstein), The Journal of Accounting Education, Spring 1998, pp.425-455.
"Avoiding Personal Holding Company Status," (D. Larry Crumbley), Oil, Gas and Energy Quarterly, Sept. 1997, pp.919-931.
"Diversity and the Glass Ceiling: The Case of Management Faculty," (Maribel Estrada and K. Michele Kacmar), Proceedings Southwest Academy of Business, March 21, 1997.
"The CPA Firm Experience of Accounting Faculty: A First-Step Analysis of Careery Knowledge Transfer," (John D. Neill, Stephen Wheeler), Accounting Perspectives, Fall 1996, pp.17-26.
"Indexing Capital Gains--The Elimination of the Taxation of Capital," (Robert D. Swanson), Journal of Business Issues, September 1996, pp.1-10.
"The Effects of AACSB Standards on the Hiring and Tenuring of Tax Faculty," (Philip J. Harmelink, Thomas M. Porcano), Advances in Taxation, (1996) V.8, pp.63-80.
"UBIT Exceptions Let Non-Profits Run Tax-Free Businesses," (Angela Y. Robbins), Taxation for Accountants, June 1996, pp. 341-348. reprinted in Taxation for Lawyers, July/August 1996, pp.36-43. reprinted in Tax Ideas, 8-21-1996, pp. 5681-5694.
"Colleges, Commericiality, and the Unrelated Business Income Tax," (Rodney L. Clark), Taxes--The Tax Magazine, (1996) V.74 N.5, pp.1301-1308.
"The Home Office Deduction Post Soliman," (Sherri Kraftchick), Coastal Business Review, (1996) V.5, pp.33-40.
"Age and Research Productivity of Accounting Faculty," (Michael C. Chester, Raymond G. Laverdiere, Allan D. Unseth), Journal of Business Issues, March 1996, pp.19-26.
"The Hiring of Women in Accounting Academia," (Iris A. Carolfi, Ceil Moran Pillsbury), Journal of Education for Business, (1996) V.71 N.3, pp.151-156.
"Assessing Accounting Doctoral Programs by Their Graduates' Research Productivity, (Alan Reinstein), Advances in Accounting, 1995, pp.61-86.
"The Code, The Courts, The IRS, and the Taxpayer: A Tribute to the Ingenuity of the American Taxpayer and the Inescapable Certainty of the U.S. Tax System," (Bruce W. Bourne), Accounting Perspectives, Fall 1995, pp.99-107.
"A Proposal for Measuring Scholarly Productivity of Accounting Faculty," (Alan Reinstein), Issues in Accounting Education, Fall 1995, pp.269-306.
"A Report of Gender and Age of the Accounting Professorate," (Iris A. Carolfi), Accounting Perspectives, Spring 1995, pp.79-86.
"Even Publicly Held Corporations Must Worry About the Accumulated Earnings Tax: Planning to Avoid It," (D. Larry Crumbley, Dianna Ross Coker), Oil and Gas Tax Quarterly, Sept. 1994, pp.45-60.
"Are You Experienced? An Empirical Analysis of the CPA Firm Experience of Accounting Faculty," (John D. Neill, Stephen W. Wheeler), Southeast American Accounting Association Collected Papers and Abstracts, April 1994, pp.271-281.
"Retirement Demand and the Market for Accounting Doctorates," (Terry L. Campbell, Roger H. Hermanson, Deborah H. Turner), Issues in Accounting Education, Fall 1990, pp.209-221.
"Reducing Refund Pays Off," Business to Business, July-August 1985, pp.6-7.
"Tax Planning Begins Now," Business to Business, May 1985, pp.8-9.
"Tax Effect on Municipal Discount Securities," (Walter J. Reinhart, Ronald C. Braswell), ABA Banking Journal, (1982) V.70 N.10, pp.192-194.
"Tax Benefits on Sale or Exchange of Residence Can be Increased With Planning," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), July 1982, pp.52-56.
"Deduction For Nonbusiness Losses Limited to Three Types of Transactions," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), June 1982, pp.394-397.
"Installment Sales Benefits May Be Lost if Obligations Are Not Held Until Paid," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), May 1982, pp.326-328.
"How Installment Rules Affect Sales Made Subject to a Contingency," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), April 1982, pp.256-260.
"The Tax Treatment of Municipal Discount Bonds: Correction of a Fallacy," (Ronald C. Braswell, Walter J. Reinhart), Financial Management, Spring 1982, pp.77-81.
"Special Rules Apply to Investment Sales to Related Parties and by Dealers," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), March 1982, pp.190-193.
"Installment Method Permits Gain to be Reported as Sales Price is Received," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Feb. 1982, pp.120-124.
"For Oil and Gas, Depletion Deductions Allow Recovery of a Taxpayer's Investment," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Jan. 1982, pp.54-56.
"Averaging Provisions Can Substantially Reduce Tax Impact of a High-Income Year," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Dec. 1981, pp.398-400.
"An Estate Tax Return Involves Choices Concerning Payment and Valuation," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Nov. 1981, pp.331-333.
"Transfers During Decedent's Life May Be Includable in Estate," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Oct. 1981, pp.262-265.
"Substantial Amounts May Be Given Away Without the Donor Incurring a Gift Tax," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), September 1981, pp.194-197.
"Transfer of Property Can Result In a Gift Tax If Adequate Consideration is Not Received," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), August 1981, pp.123-125.
"Changes in Accounting Methods: When They Can Be Made, Effect on Taxable Income," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), July 1981, pp.55-57.
"Tax Treatment of Writers' Expenses Depend on the Type and Amount of Writing Done," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), June 1981, pp.393-395.
"Gross Income: The Starting Point For Determining a Taxpayer's Liability," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), May 1981, pp.326-329.
"One Special Rule Eases Stock Redemptions But Another Restricts Them," Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), April 1981, pp.258-260.
"Filing Category Depends on Marital Status and Whether Taxpayer Has Dependents," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), March 1981, pp.192-194.
"The Correct Tax Treatment of Municipal Discount Bonds," (Walter J. Reinhart, Ronald C. Braswell), The Financial Planner, March 1981, pp.30,32,34.
"Use of ADR Can Increase Depreciation at a Cost of Increased Record-Keeping," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Feb. 1981, pp.124-127.
"Three Routes Available For Avoiding Dividends on Stock Redemptions," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Jan. 1981, pp.55-57.
"Collapsible Corp. Rules Block Attempts to Convert Ordinary Income to Capital Gain," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Dec. 1980, pp.396-400.
"Business or Investment Property May Be Exchanged Without Recognizing Gain or Loss," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Nov. 1980, pp.331-333.
"Disposition of Preferred Stock Received as a Dividend May Produce Ordinary Income," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Oct. 1980, pp.264-266.
"Special Rules Provide for Obtaining Capital Gains on Sale of Subdivided Realty," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Sept. 1980, pp.193-197.
"New or Existing Business Can be Incorporated Without Recognized Gain," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Aug. 1980, pp.122-124.
"Gain or Loss Depends on the Type of Property and How it was Acquired," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), July 1980, pp.54-56.
"Use of Corporation to Shelter Investment Income May Trigger 70% Penalty Tax," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), June 1980, pp.388-391.
"Taxpayer's Exemption May be Increased by Planning Payments to Dependents," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), May 1980, pp.322-325.
"Maximum Tax Does Not Remove Need For Tax Shelters and Similar Tax Savings Plans," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), April 1980, pp.254-257.
"Maximizing Tax Benefits From The Sale of Subdivided Real Property," Proceedings 1980 Southeast Regional American Accounting Association, April 1980, pp.350-354.
"Subchapter S Election Can Eliminate the 'Double Tax' for Closely-Held Corporations," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), March 1980, pp.184-189.
"Evaluating Stock Compensation Alternatives Under Section 83," (James McLean), Proceedings 1980 Southeast AIDS, pp.79-80.
"Partnership Rules Limit Availability of Capital Gains on Distributions," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Feb. 1980, pp.118-122.
"Special Handling Needed for Partnership Distribution to Prevent Double Tax," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Jan. 1980, pp.56-60.
"Travel and Entertainment Expenses Must Pass Special Test in Order to be Deductible," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Dec. 1979, pp.374-378.
"Two Decision Rules for Determining The Optimal Switching Points Under ADR," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Taxes--The Tax Magazine, Nov. 1979, pp.774-780.
"Tax Benefits of Individual's Net Operating Loss is Limited to Actual Economic Effect," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Nov. 1979, pp.312-314.
Indexing: An Approach to More Equitable Taxation?" (Craig E. Reese, D. Larry Crumbley), Proceedings 1979 NTA-TIA National Meeting, Oct. 1979, pp.126-133.
"Keeping Earnings in Corporation to Avoid Paying Dividends May Result in Special Tax," (Kenneth N. Orbach),Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Oct. 1979, pp.250-253.
"Publication Records of Accounting Educators Are Not as High as Imagined," British Accounting Review, Autumn 1979, pp.3-10.
"Complex Rules Limit Charitable Deductions for Gifts of Appreciated Property," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Sept. 1979, pp.186-189.
"Tax Liability Can be Reduced or Eliminated by Variety of Credits," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Aug. 1979, pp.118-122.
"Investment Credit Can Offset 10% and More of Cost of Qualified Property," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), July 1979, pp.58-61.
"Distributions of Stock Dividends and Rights May Result in Ordinary Income," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), June 1979, pp.376-378.
"Accounting Education--Promotion and Tenure," Public Accounting Report, May 1979, p.8.
"Meals and Lodging May be Excludable Even Though Intended as Compensation," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), May 1979, pp.314-317.
"Optimal Switching Points Under ADR," (Kenneth N. Orbach), Proceeding 1979 Southeast Regional Group American Accounting Association
"Gross Income: Problems Remain in Finding Amount Includable and in What Year," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), April 1979, pp.250-252.
"Accounting Education--Professional Schools," Public Accounting Report, March 1979, p.8.
"Tax Planning Under the Excess Investment Interest Limitation," The Journal of Real Estate Taxation, Spring 1979, pp.234-250.
"Ordinary Income May Result From Partnership's Liquidating Distributions," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), March 1979, pp.186-188.
"Accounting Education--Accreditation," Public Accounting Report, Feb. 1979, p.6.
"Energy-Saving Equipment--A Credit to Your Taxes," Tierra Grande, First Quarter 1979, pp. 29-30. reprinted--Homefront, Sept. 28, 1979, pp.4,6-7.
"Taxation of Partnership Distribution Dependent on Various Elections," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Feb. 1979, pp.122-125.
"Accounting Education--Faculty Salaries," Public Accounting Report, Jan. 1979, p.4.
"Some Flexibility Available in Determining Time of a Deduction," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Jan. 1979, pp.58-61.
"How to Avoid the Ordinary Income Potential on Disposition of Preferred Stock Dividends," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Dec. 1978, pp.376-378.
"Accrual Basis Taxpayers May Delay Reporting Many Types of Advance Income," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Nov. 1978, pp.314-317.
"Income May be Taxable Even Though the Taxpayer Has Not Actually Received It," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Oct. 1978, pp.248-252.
"Handling Distributions to Minimize Tax to Corporations and Shareholders," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Sept. 1978, pp.184-188.
"Publication Records of Accounting Educators--It's Not What You Think," Proceedings 1978 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting.
"Tax Effects of Repayment of an Amount That Was Previously Included in Income," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Aug. 1978, pp.122-125.
"Increased Tax Deductions Allowed for Moving Expenses," (James Rainey), National Public Accountant, July 1978, pp.12-16.
"How to Meet the Judicial and Statutory Tests for a Divisive Reorganization," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), July 1978, pp.58-60. Reprinted--The Monthly Digest of Tax Articles, March 1979, pp.39-44.
"Divisive Reorganizations Can Avoid Double Tax on Sale of Corporate Assets," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), June 1978, pp.376-378.
"Code Offers Choice of Liquidation Methods to Meet Varying Needs of a Corporation," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), May 1978, pp.312-316.
"Depreciation to be Recaptured as Ordinary Income Can be Controlled by Taxpayer," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), April 1978, pp.248-252.
"Income Tax Burden of Estate or Trust Shared With Beneficiaries," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), March 1978, pp.186-188.
"Security Losses: The Importance of Being Worthless," The Tax Adviser, Feb. 1978, pp.102-110.
"Retailers Can Increase Cash Flow With the Use of Installment Method," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Feb. 1978, pp.122-124.
"Stockholder Leases Can be Used to Shift Income of Closely-Held Corporations," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Jan. 1978, pp.60-61.
"Death of Stockholder Permits Avoidance of Dividend Treatment for Redemptions," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Dec. 1977, pp.376-378.
"Child and Disabled Dependent Care Expenses--Now a Credit," (Mary M. Moore), National Public Accountant, Dec. 1977, pp.40-43.
"Corporate Distributions Due to Contraction Need Not Result in a Double Tax," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Nov. 1977, pp.314-317.
"Tax Benefits of Work and Federal Welfare Recipient Employment Incentive Credits," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Oct. 1977, pp.250-252.
"Additional Factors to Consider Before a Depreciation Method is Selected," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Sept. 1977, pp.186-188.
"Type of Asset Will Control the Depreciation Choices Available," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), August 1977, pp.120-125.
"Teaching the MBA Introduction to Tax Course," (J. Marion Posey), Proceedings 1977 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting. Reprinted--American Taxation Association Newsletter, Fall 1977, p. 4.
"Selecting Annual Accounting Period Has Long-Range Implications," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), July 1977, pp.58-61.
"Type of Deduction for Bad Debts Depends on Why Loan Was Made," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), June 1977, pp.372-378.
"Three Different Routes Available to Avoid Dividend Treatment on Redemptions," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), May 1977, pp.314-316. Reprinted--THE Accountants Digest, Sept. 1977, pp.51-53.
"Doctoral Dissertations in Taxation Grow in Number," American Taxation Association Newsletter, April 1977, pp.1-5.
"Inventories: What is Included and What are the Choices for Valuing," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), April 1977, pp.246-252.
"Limited Partnership--Taxed as Corporations," The Nebraska CPA Magazine," Spring 1977, pp.17,25-27.
"Publishing in the Tax Area--An Analysis," Proceedings 1977 Southeast Regional Group American Accounting Association, pp.272-276. Reprinted--American Taxation Association Newsletter, Winter 1978, pp.5-6.
"Retention of Corporate Earnings to Reduce Taxes Can Backfire," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), March 1977, pp.184-188.
"Limited Partnership--Partnership or Corporation?" Proceedings 1977 Mid-Atlantic American Accounting Association, pp.64-73.
"Maximum Tax Benefits are Restricted When Taxpayer Also Has Tax Preference Income," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Feb. 1977, pp.124-125. Reprinted--Monthly Digest of Tax Articles, Oct. 1977, pp.40-44.
"Partnership Taxation in Light of the Tax Reform Act of 1976," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Jan. 1977, pp.58-60.
"The Recent Larson Opinions Concerning IRS Attempts to Classify Limited Partnerships as Corporations, Phillip G. Larson v. Commissioner, 66 TC 159 (1976)," American Business Law Journal (Notes & Cases), Dec. 1976, V.14 Issue 3, pp.419-424.
"Corporation Can Inadvertently Become Subject to Personal Holding Company Tax," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Dec. 1976, pp.376-379.
"Subchapter S Corporations and the Investment Credit," National Public Accountant, Dec. 1976, pp.22-23,26-27.
"Careful Selection of Accounting Methods Can Improve Cash Flow and Reduce Taxes," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Nov. 1976, pp.312-316.
"Innocent Spouse Provisions--When Do They Apply?" (Edward C. Foth), Business Operations Tax Journal, Nov. 1976, pp.222-229.
"Subchapter S Rules for Corporate Income: Pass Through Now and Pay Out Later," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Oct. 1976, pp.250-253.
"Fraudulent Tax Returns Can Bring Civil Penalties as Well as Criminal Actions," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Sept. 1976, pp.188-189.
"Limited Partnerships are Key to Holding Tax-Shelter Investments," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), Aug. 1976, pp.122-124.
"Tax Consequences of Listed Options Transactions," (Patrick A. Dunne), The Ohio CPA, Summer 1976, pp.67-70.
"Choosing a Qualified Pension, Profit-Sharing, or Stock-Bonus Plan," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), July 1976, pp.56-60.
"Tax Consequences of a Change of Accounting Method Evaluated," (D. Larry Crumbley), Taxation for Accountants (Tax Notes), June 1976, pp.374-380.
"Is Social Responsibility at Issue in Corporate Income Tax Reporting?" Southeast American Accounting Association Proceedings, 1976, pp.296-300.
"An Empirical Examination of Annual Report Presentation of the Corporate Income Tax Expense," The Accounting Review, 1976, V. LI, N.2, pp.269-276.
"A Graphical Approach to the Maximum Tax," Proceedings of the American Accounting Association Southwest Regional Meeting, 1976, pp.260-268.
"Sale or Exchange of Residence--Tax Aspects," The Louisiana Certified Public Accountant, Winter-Spring 1976, pp.39-49.
"Employment Seeking Expenses--A Changing Tax Climate," Massachusetts CPA Review, Jan. 1976, pp.28-30. Reviewed--The Journal of Accountancy, June 1976, p.100.
"The Asset Depreciation Range System and Optimal Switching Rules," (D. Larry Crumbley), The CPA Journal Jan. 1976, pp.29-33.
"Travel Expenses For a Visiting Professor--An Addendum," The Accounting Review (Correspondence), 1976, V. LI, N. 1, pp.181-183.
"Reconstruction of Taxpayer Income by the IRS," The Michigan CPA, Nov. 1975, pp.31-35.
"Political Contributions Mean Added Tax Benefits as a Result of Tax Reduction Act of 1975," (David T. Stewart), Taxation for Accountants, Aug. 1975, pp.110-112.
"Reporting Tip Income," The Ohio CPA, Summer 1975, pp.128-132.
"From the Thoughtful Tax Man--Rewarding Tax Informers," Taxes--The Tax Magazine, June 1975, pp.322-324.
"Indexing--An Approach to Fair Taxation?" Business and Economic Dimensions, May 1975, pp.1-4. Reviewed--The Woman CPA (Reviews), Jan. 1976, p.26.
"How to Change a Tax Year--Permission of the IRS is Not Always Necessary," Taxation for Accountants, May 1975, pp.282-288.
"Corporate Adherence to APB Income Tax Reporting Requirements," Proceedings--1975 Southeastern American Accounting Association, pp.174-178.
"Income Averaging--Do You Qualify," Akron Business and Economic Review, Fall 1974, pp.44-47.
"Tax Deductibility of Visiting Professorship Expenses," Taxes--The Tax Magazine, Aug. 1974, pp.499-505. Reviewed--Accountants Digest, Dec. 1975, pp.121-124.
"Tax Deduction for Faculty Home-Office Expenses," Louisiana Business Review, June 1974, p.2-5, 12.
"Tax Benefits From Educational Expenses," Atlanta Economic Review, March-April 1974, pp.18-21.
"Tax Return Preparers--Where Are They Headed," Baylor Business Studies, Feb. 1974, pp.25-35.
"Analyzing the Profit Tax Relationship," (Eugene E. Comiskey), Financial Management, 1973, V.2, N.4, pp.57-62.
1985 CCH Federal Taxation Basic Principles
1986 CCH Federal Taxation Basic Principles
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2021 CCH Federal Taxation Basic Principles
2022 CCH Federal Taxation Basic Principles
2023 CCH Federal Taxation Basic Principles
2024 CCH Federal Taxation Basic Principles
1993 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
1994 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
1995 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
1996 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
1997 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
1998 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
1999 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2000 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2001 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2002 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2003 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2004 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2005 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2006 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2007 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2008 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2009 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2010 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2011 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2012 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2013 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2014 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2015 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2016 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2017 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2018 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2019 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2020 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2021 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2022 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2023 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
2024 CCH Federal Taxation Comprehensive Topics
1985 CCH Federal Taxation Advanced Topics
1986 CCH Federal Taxation Advanced Topics
1987 CCH Federal Taxation Advanced Topics
1988 CCH Federal Taxation Advanced Topics
1989 CCH Federal Taxation Advanced Topics
1990 CCH Federal Taxation Advanced Topics
1991 CCH Federal Taxation Advanced Topics
1992 CCH Federal Taxation Advanced Topics
1995 CCH Federal Taxation Advanced Topics
2000 U.S. Master Accounting Guide
2001 U.S. Master Accounting Guide
2002 U.S. Master Accounting Guide
2002 U.S. Master Accounting Guide
2004 U.S. Master Accounting Guide
2005 U.S. Master Accounting Guide
2006 U.S. Master Accounting Guide
2007 U.S. Master Accounting Guide
2008 U.S. Master Accounting Guide
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 9th Edition (1999)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 10th Edition (2000)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 11th Edition (2001)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 12th Edition (2002)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 13th Edition (2003)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 14th Edition (2004)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 15th Edition (2005)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 16th Edition (2006)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 17th Edition (2007)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 18th Edition (2008)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 19th Edition (2009)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 20th Edition (2010)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 21st Edition (2011)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 22nd Edition (2012)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 23rd Edition (2013)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 24th Edition (2014)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 25th Edition (2015)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 26th Edition (2016)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 27th Edition (2017)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 28th Edition (2018)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 29th Edition (2019)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 30th Edition (2020)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 31st Edition (2021)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 32nd Edition (2022)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 33rd Edition (2023)
Gleim’s Federal Tax Exam Questions and Explanations 34th Edition (2024)
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 1999 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 1999 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 1999 Edition
Gleim's EA Review Part 4 1999 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2000 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2000 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2000 Edition
Gleim's EA Review Part 4 2000 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2001 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2001 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2001 Edition
Gleim's EA Review Part 4 2001 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2002 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2002 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2002 Edition
Gleim's EA Review Part 4 2002 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2003 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2003 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2003 Edition
Gleim's EA Review Part 4 2003 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2004 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2004 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2004 Edition
Gleim's EA Review Part 4 2004 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2005 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2005 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2005 Edition
Gleim's EA Review Part 4 2005 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2006 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2006 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2006 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2007 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2007 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2007 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2008 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2008 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2008 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2009 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2009 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2009 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2010 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2010 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2010 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2011 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2011 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2011 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2012 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2012 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2012 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2013 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2013 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2013 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2014 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2014 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2014 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2015 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2015 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2015 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2016 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2016 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2016 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2017 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2017 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2017 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2018 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2018 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2018 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2019 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2019 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2019 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2020 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2020 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2020 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2021 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2021 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2021 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2022 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2022 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2022 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2023 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2023 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2023 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 1 2024 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 2 2024 Edition
Gleim’s EA Review Part 3 2024 Edition
Gleim’s Registered Tax Return Preparer Review 2011 Edition
Gleim’s Registered Tax Return Preparer Review 2012 Edition
Gleim’s Registered Tax Return Preparer Review 2013 Edition
Accounting Faculty Directory 1974-75
Accounting Faculty Directory 1975-1976
Accounting Faculty Directory 1976-1977
Accounting Faculty Directory 1977-1978
Prentice-Hall Accounting Faculty Directory 1978-79
Prentice-Hall Accounting Faculty Directory 1979-80
Prentice-Hall Accounting Faculty Directory 1980-81
Prentice-Hall Accounting Faculty Directory 1982
Prentice-Hall Accounting Faculty Directory 1983
Prentice-Hall Accounting Faculty Directory 1984
Prentice-Hall Accounting Faculty Directory 1985
Prentice-Hall Accounting Faculty Directory 1986
Prentice-Hall Accounting Faculty Directory 1987
Prentice-Hall 1988 Accounting Faculty Directory
Prentice-Hall 1989 Accounting Faculty Directory
Prentice-Hall 1990 Accounting Faculty Directory
Prentice-Hall 1991 Accounting Faculty Directory
Prentice-Hall 1992 Accounting Faculty Directory
Prentice-Hall 1993 Accounting Faculty Directory
Prentice-Hall 1994 Accounting Faculty Directory
Prentice-Hall 1995 Accounting Faculty Directory
Prentice-Hall 1996 Accounting Faculty Directory
Prentice-Hall 1997 Accounting Faculty Directory
Prentice-Hall 1998 Accounting Faculty Directory
Prentice-Hall 1999 Accounting Faculty Directory
Prentice-Hall Accounting Faculty Directory 2000-2001
Prentice-Hall 2001 Accounting Faculty Directory
Prentice-Hall Accounting Faculty Directory 2002-2003
Prentice-Hall 2003 Accounting Faculty Directory
Prentice-Hall Accounting Faculty Directory 2004-2005
Prentice-Hall Accounting Faculty Directory 2006-2007
Prentice-Hall Accounting Faculty Directory 2008-2009
Pearson Prentice-Hall Accounting Faculty Directory 2010-2011
Pearson Prentice-Hall Accounting Faculty Directory 2011-2012
Pearson Prentice-Hall Accounting Faculty Directory 2012-2013
Pearson Accounting Faculty Directory 2013-2014
Pearson Accounting Faculty Directory 2014-2015
Pearson Accounting Faculty Directory 2015-2016
Pearson Accounting Faculty Directory 2016-2017
Hasselback Accounting Faculty Directory 2023-2024
The McGraw-Hill Directory of Management Faculty 1991-1992
The McGraw-Hill Directory of Management Faculty 1992-1993
The McGraw-Hill Directory of Management Faculty 1993-1994
The McGraw-Hill Directory of Management Faculty 1994-1995
The McGraw-Hill Directory of Management Faculty 1995-1996
The McGraw-Hill Directory of Management Faculty 1996-1997
The McGraw-Hill Directory of Management Faculty 1997-1998
The McGraw-Hill/Irwin Directory of Management Faculty Millennium Edition
Wiley Guide to Finance Faculty 1993
Wiley Guide to Finance Faculty 1995
The 1997/98 Prentice Hall Guide to Finance Faculty
The 1999/2000 Prentice Hall Guide to Finance Faculty
Prentice Hall Finance Faculty Directory 2000-2001
Prentice Hall Finance Faculty Directory 2002-2003
Prentice Hall Finance Faculty Directory 2004-2005
Prentice Hall Finance Faculty Directory 2007-2008
Hasselback's Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate Faculty Directory 2019-2020
The 1993 Wiley Guide to Marketing Faculty
Wiley Guide to Marketing Faculty 1995
The Worth Publishers Directory of Marketing Faculty 1997
The 1998-1999 Prentice Hall Guide to Marketing Faculty
Prentice Hall Marketing Faculty Directory 2000-2002
Prentice Hall Marketing Faculty Directory 2002-2003
Prentice Hall Marketing Faculty Directory 2004-2005
Prentice Hall Marketing Faculty Directory 2007-2008
The 1995 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty
The 1996 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty
The 1998 Prentice Hall Guide to Economics Faculty
The Prentice Hall Economics Faculty Guide 2000/2001
Prentice Hall 2002-2003 Economics Faculty Directory
Prentice Hall 2004-2005 Economics Faculty Directory
Prentice Hall 2007-2008 Economics Faculty Directory
Hasselback's 2021-2022 Economics Faculty Directory
Irwin Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Faculty Directory 1993-94
Irwin Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Faculty Directory 1995-96
Hasselback’s Directory of Nursing Faculty 1994-1995
West’s 1994-1995 Business Law Faculty Directory
Irwin Computer Science Faculty Directory 1992-1993
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D. Larry Crumbley and I have presented workshops on Tax Research at the National meetings of the American Accounting Association on five different occasions. The American Accounting Association selects leading educators to conduct workshops on various topics. These workshops are held just prior to the start of the annual convention. The objectives of the Tax Research Seminar include the development of general concepts of tax research, the presentation and discussion of various methodologies of empirical tax research, and an analysis of several articles for the purpose of relating tax research projects to these general concepts and methodologies. The Seminar on Faculty Tax Planning focuses on the planning opportunities available to faculty members in preparing their financial future. The only workshops in the tax area have been done by D. Larry Crumbley and myself.
The five workshops presented:
"Tax Research Seminar;" Portland, Oregon; August 21, 1977.
"Tax Research Seminar;" Denver, Colorado; August 20, 1978.
"Seminar on Tax Research;" Chicago, Illinois; August 5, 1981.
"Seminar on Faculty Tax Planning;" San Diego, California; August 15, 1982
"Seminar on Tax Research;" New Orleans, Louisiana; August 15, 1983
"Corporate Adherence to APB Income Tax Reporting Requirements;" Southeast Regional Group of the American Accounting Association; Richmond, Virginia; April 25, 1975.
"A Graphical Approach to the Maximum Tax;" American Accounting Association Southwest Regional Meeting; San Antonio, Texas; March 19, 1976.
"Is Social Responsibility at Issue in Corporate Income Tax Reporting;" Southeast Regional Group of the American Accounting Association; Tampa, Florida; April 23, 1976.
"Limited Partnership--Partnership or Corporation?" Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Accounting Association; Washington D.C.; March 18, l977.
"Publishing in the Tax Area--An Analysis;" Southeast Regional Group of the American Accounting Association; Nashville, Tennessee; April 29, 1977.
"Teaching the MBA Introduction to Tax Course" (J. Marion Posey); American Accounting Association Annual Meeting; Portland, Oregon; August 22, l977.
"Publication Records of Accounting Educators--It's Not What You Think;" American Accounting Association Annual Meeting; Denver, Colorado; August 23, 1978.
"Optimal Switching Points Under ADR" (Kenneth N. Orbach); Southeast Regional Group of the American Accounting Association; Miami, Florida; April 27, 1979.
"Indexing: An Approach to More Equitable Taxation?" (Craig E. Reese, D. Larry Crumbley); NTA-TIA National Meeting; Oklahoma, City, Oklahoma; Oct. 29, 1979.
"Evaluating Stock Compensation Alternatives Under Section 83" (James McLean); Southeast American Institute of Decision Sciences; Orlando, Florida; Feb. 21, 1980.
"Maximizing Tax Benefits From the Sale of Subdivided Real Property;" Southeast Regional American Accounting Association; Columbia, South Carolina; April 18, 1980.
"Quantitative Approaches to Validation, Description, and Prediction of U.S. Court Decisions" (with Herbert L. Jensen); American Accounting Association; San Diego, California; Aug. 16, 1982.
"Real Estate Investments and the Alternative Minimum Tax" (with Douglas S. Bible, Bernie J. Grablowsky); Allied Social Science Association Meeting; Dec. 29, 1984.
"A Look at Gender Hiring and Promotion Patterns in Accounting Academia" (with Iris Pirozzoli and Ceil Moran Pillsbury); American Accounting Association; San Francisco, California; August 10, 1993.
"Examining Scholarly Productivity of Accounting Faculty" (with Alan Reinstein); American Accounting Association;
San Francisco, California; August 11, 1993.
"Are You Experienced? An Empirical Analysis of the CPA Firm Experience of Accounting Faculty" (with John D. Neill and Stephen Wheeler); Southeastern American Accounting Association; Louisville, Kentucky; April 30, 1994.
"Assessing Accounting Doctoral Programs by Their Graduates' Research Productivity" (with Alan Reinstein); American Accounting Association; New York, New York; August 12, 1994.
"A Look at Gender Differences in Promotion and Mobility Patterns for Accounting Academe," (Iris Carolfi and Ceil Moran Pillsbury), Midwestern American Accounting Association, April 7, 1995.
"Assessing Accounting Doctoral Programs by Their Graduates' Research Productivity," (Alan Reinstein), Southeastern American Accounting Association, April 8, 1995.
"Gender Hiring Patterns in Accounting Academia," (Iris Carolfi and Ceil Moran Pillsbury), Southeastern American Accounting Association, April 9, 1995.
"Age and Research Productivity of Accounting Faculty," (Michael Chester, Ray Laverdiere and Allan Unseth), Southeastern American Accounting Association, April 9, 1995.
"Toward the Development of Benchmarks to Assess the Academic Research Productivity of Accounting Faculty (Alan Reinstein and Edward S. Schwan), American Accounting Association, August 16, 1996.
"Diversity and the Glass Ceiling: The Case of Management Faculty," (Maribel Estrada and K. Michele Kacmar), Southwest Academy of Business meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, March 21, 1997.
"A Literature Review of Articles Assessing Faculty Productivity," (Alan Reinstein), Southeast American Accounting Association meeting Nashville, Tennessee, April 26, 1997.
"Doctoral and New Faculty Consortium Attendance: Indicator or Research Success?" (Frederick Niswander, Hubert Glover, and Donald R. Wells); American Accounting Association 1997 Annual Meeting; Dallas, Texas; August 19, 1997; abstract published.
"Rational Demography and Career Outcomes Among Academic Accountants" (Catherine Kirchmeyer and Alan Reinstein); American Accounting Association 1997 Annual Meeting; August 20, 1997; abstract published.
"Reviewing the Literature of Articles that Assess the Research Productivity of Accounting Faculty Members" (Alan Reinstein); American Accounting Association Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting; March 27, 1998; abstract published.
"Value of Publications in Premier Accounting Journals" (Valaria P. Vendrzyk, Sarah A. Holmes, and Robert H. Strawser); American Accounting Association Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting; March 27, 1998; abstract published.
"Examining Demographic and Career Outcome Issues Among Academic Accountants (Catherine Kirchmeyer and Alan Reinstein); Southeastern American Accounting Association Regional Meeting; April 17, 1998; abstract published.
"How Much is an Accounting Publication Worth" (Todd L. Sayre and Frederick W. Rankin), American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences Meeting; February 20, 2000; abstract published.
"Prolific Authors of Accounting Literature" (Alan Reinstein and Edward Schwan), Mid-Atlantic Region American Accounting Association, March 25, 2000, abstract published.
"Examining Demographic and Career Outcome Issues Among Academic Accountants" (Catherine Kirchmeyer and Alan Reinstein); Southeastern American Accounting Association Regional Meeting; April 7, 2000; abstract published.
"How Much is an Accounting Publication Worth" (Todd Sayre and Frederick Rankin), Western Region American Accounting Association, May 12, 2000, abstract published.
"Benchmarks for Evaluating the Research Productivity of Accounting Faculty" (Alan Reinstein and Edward Schwan), American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, August 15, 2000, abstract published.
"Prolific Authors of Accounting Literature" (Alan Reinstein and Edward Schwan), Mid-Atlantic Region American Accounting Association, March 30, 2001, abstract published.
“Scholarly Productivity of Male and Female Accountants: Evidence from the Classes of 1980-82” (Ted D. Englebrecht, Mary M. Anderson, and Timothy O. Bisping), American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, August 10, 2005, abstract published.
"The State of Academia: With a Business Emphasis," Annual Meeting of the Society of Business, Industry & Economics, April 16, 2007.
"An Analysis of the Economics Academy" (R. Daniel Pace and Wendy D. Habegger), Annual Meeting of the Society of Business, Industry & Economics, April 18, 2007, abstract published.
"Where Are Tomorrow's Accounting Academics" (Gadis J. Dillon and Sarah L. Frank), Annual Meeting of the Society of Business, Industry & Economics, April 18, 2007, abstract published.
"An Analysis of the Makeup of Academic Accounting," (Gregory C. Yost), Southeastern American Accounting Association Regional Meeting, May 5, 2007, abstract published.
“How Productive Accounting Faculty Members View the Citation Process;” (Alan Reinstein, Mark E. Riley, & David H. Sinason); Southeastern Regional Meeting of AAA; University, MS; May 1, 2009; abstract published.
“How Productive Accounting Faculty Members View the Citation Process;” (Alan Reinstein, Mark E. Riley, & David H. Sinason); Southeastern Regional Meeting of AAA; Mobile, AL; April 9, 2010; abstract published; Outstanding Paper Award.
“Reporting Income from Debt Cancellation;” Annual Meeting of the Society of Business, Industry & Economics; Destin, FL; April 14, 2010; abstract published.
“Your Parachute Is Still the Same Color: A Longitudinal Assessment of the Job Market for Academic Accountants;” (Tim Fogarty and Donald Saftner); American Accounting Association Ohio Region Meeting; May 8, 2010; abstract published.
“Your Parachute Is Still the Same Color: A Longitudinal Assessment of the Job Market for Academic Accountants;” (Tim Fogarty and Donald Saftner); American Accounting Association Annual Meeting; August 3, 2010; abstract published.
“What Happened to the Class of Year 2000: Examining Their Research and Employment Records;” (Alan Reinstein); American Accounting Association Southeastern Regional Meeting; Destin, FL; April 9, 2011; abstract published.
“Benchmarking the Research Productivity of Accounting Doctorates;” (Alan Reinstein); American Accounting Association Southeastern Regional Meeting; Destin, FL; April 9, 2011; abstract published.
“The Aging Accounting Professorate;” American Accounting Association Southeastern Regional Meeting; Destin, FL; April 9, 2011; abstract published.
“Accounting Faculty Placement for U.S. Doctorates from Non-AACSB Schools;” (Eric D. Bostick);” Annual Meeting of the Society of Business, Industry & Economics; Destin, FL; April 1, 2011.
"Benchmarking the Research Productivity of Accounting Doctorates;” (Alan Reinstein, Mohammad Abdolmohammadi); Southeast American Accounting Association; Savannah, GA; April 14, 2012.
“Accounting Faculty and their Productivity: Perspectives from the Database;” American Accounting Association Annual Meeting; Washington, D.C.; August 6, 2012.
"Doctoral Demographics: 2015;" American Accounting Association Annual Meeting; Atlanta, GA; August 11, 2015.
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY THIRTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL INSTITUTE ON FEDERAL TAXATION, Nicholas Liakas, editor, 1979, 2 volumes, Matthew Bender & Co., New York; review appeared in OIL AND GAS TAX QUARTERLY, September 1979, pp. 117-118.
FEDERAL INCOME TAX, 1980 EDITION, Edelson, Green and Green, Reston Publishing Company, 1980, review appeared in THE ACCOUNTING REVIEW, October 1980, p. 695.
LEXICON OF TAX TERMINOLOGY; Richard Westin; John Wiley & Sons; review appeared in THE ACCOUNTING REVIEW; January 1986; pp. 218.
Your Personal Income Tax, Gainesville, Florida; Feb 24, 1976; series of 5-minute radio speeches broadcast on 60 stations throughout Florida
Tax Planning for Small Businesses, North Gate Merchants Association; College Station, Texas; Jan. 12, 1977; 1 hour
Minimizing Taxes of the Single Parent, Parents's Without Partners; Bryan, Texas; Feb. 6, 1978; 1 hour
Tax Preparation--1978, Beta Alpha Psi; College Station, Texas; Feb. 21, 1978; 45 minutes
Taxes and the Single Parent, Single Forum; Tallahassee, Florida; July 13, 1980; 30 minutes
The Constantly Changing Tax Laws, Leon County Chapter of the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants; Tallahassee, Florida; Jan. 20, 1981; 1 hour
Estate and Gift Taxes, Tallahassee Association of Life Underwriters; Tallahassee, Florida; April 17, 1981; 1 hour
Reducing Your Personal Taxes, Financial Planning Consultants Seminar; Tallahassee, Florida; July 14, 1981; 1 hour
Personal Tax Planning, Tallahassee Singles Forum; Tallahassee, Florida; Feb. 21, 1982; 30 minutes
Income Tax Update, First Annual Pre-Game Accounting Series; Tallahassee, Florida; December 1, 1984; 1 hour
The Recent Tax Proposals, One-hour interview on WTNT Radio; Tallahassee, Florida; Aug. 13, 1985
Income Tax Update, Pre-Game Accounting Series; Tallahassee, Florida; Nov. 2, 1985; 1 hour
Changes Coming in with Tax Reform, Southwest Georgia Certified Public Accountants; Bainbridge, Georgia; Jan. 6, 1986; 1 hour
Tax Reform Act of 1986, International Association for Financial Planners; Tallahassee, Florida; Oct. 21 1986; 1 hour
Individual Income Tax Update, FSU Pre-Game Accounting Series; Tallahassee, Florida; Nov. 15, 1986; 1 hour
The Changes Necessary to Comply with Tax Reform, Southwest Georgia CPA Society; Bainbridge, Georgia; Jan. 5, 1987; 1 hour
A More Complete Look at Tax Reform, International Association for Financial Planners; Tallahassee, Florida; Jan. 23, 1987; 1 hour
Tax Planning for Faculty Members Under the New Tax Laws, FSU/UFF Lecture Series; Tallahassee, Florida; Jan. 27, 1987; 1 hour
Tax Changes Affecting Faculty, FSU Hillel Association; Tallahassee, Florida; Feb. 10, 1987; 1 hour
Tax Planning for Small Business after Tax Reform, WSFU-FM Business Talk Show; Tallahassee, Florida; March 17, 1987
The Passive Loss Rules After Tax Reform, FSU Pre-Game Accounting Series; Nov. 1987; 1 hour
Income Tax Update, Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; Cairo, Georgia; Jan. 4, 1988; 1 hour
S Corporations, Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; Cairo, Georgia; June 16, 1988; 4 hour
Passive Activity Losses, Tallahassee Regional Estate Planning Council; Tallahassee, Florida; Oct. 18, 1989; 1 hour
1989 Individual Tax Planning, Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; Cairo, Georgia; Dec. 18, 1989; 4 hour
Income Tax Update, Florida State University 1989 Tax Institutes; Jacksonville, Florida; Dec. 11-12, 1989; 2 day presentation on various tax topics conducted with William Jordan
Employee Business Expenses, Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; Cairo, Georgia; Jan. 8, 1990; 1 hour
Taxes and Your Retirement, 11th Annual Police & Firefighters Trustees' School; Tallahassee, Florida; March 20-21, 1990; 1 hour
GAAP, Statement of Cash Flows, Capital Budgeting, and Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships, Florida Association of Independent Accountants Fall Forum; Tampa, Florida; Sept. 10-11, 1990; 2 day presentation conducted with Jan Sebastian
Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1990, Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; Cairo, Georgia; Nov. 6, 1990; 1 hour
Current Tax Topics--Alternative, Minimum Tax, Deductibility of Shelter Losses, Interest Expense Deduction, and Tax Penalties, Gulf Coast CPA Chapter; Panama City, Florida; Dec. 7, 1990; 4 hour
S Corporations and Transfer Taxes, Burke, Burke, & Worsham CPAs; Donalsonville, Georgia; Dec. 20, 1990; 8 hour
Partnership Taxation and Accounting Information Systems, Florida Association of Independent Accountants; Orlando, Florida; Sept. 5-6, 1991; 2 day presentation conducted with Jan Sebastian
Partnership Taxation, Installment Sales, and Passive Losses, Burke, Burke, & Worsham CPAs; Donalsonville, Georgia; Nov. 14, 1991; 8 hour
Changes for 1992 Tax Season, Duval County CPA Society; Jacksonville, Florida; Nov. 15, 1991; 3 hour
S Corporations, Installment Sales, and Tax Update, Gulf Coast CPA Chapter; Panama City, Florida; Dec. 6, 1991; 8 hour
S Corporations, Installment Sales, and Tax Update, Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; Thomasville, Georgia; December 19, 1991; 8 hour
Changes for the 1992 Tax Season, Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; Thomasville, Georgia; Jan. 7, 1992; 1 hour
The Interest Expense Deduction, Williams Cox Weidner & Cox; Tallahassee, Florida; February 28, 1992; 2 hour
Partnership Taxation and Tax Update, Gulf Coast CPA Chapter; Panama City, Florida; December 4, 1992; 8 hour
Partnership Taxation and Tax Update, Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; Bainbridge, Georgia; December 8, 1992; 8 hour
President Clinton's Proposed Tax Changes, Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; Thomasville, Georgia; January 5, 1993; 1 hour
Preparing for the Coming Tax Season, Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; November 19, 1993; 8 hour
The Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993, Gulf Coast CPA Chapter; Panama City, Florida; December 9, 1993; 8 hour
Changes for the 1994 Tax Season, Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; Cairo, Georgia; Jan. 11, 1994; 1 hour
Limited Liability Companies and Tax Update, Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; Cairo, Georgia; December 16, 1994; 8 hour
The Coming Year Will Bring Many New Tax Proposals, Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; Cairo, Georgia; January 10, 1995; 1 hour
Planning for the Coming Tax Season, Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; Cairo, Georgia; December 8, 1995; 8 hour
Partnerships, L.L.C.s, & S Corporations; Cleveland, OH; 11-14-96; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
S Corporations – A Comprehensive Review; Cleveland OH; 11-15-96; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update: Individual and Business Returns; Thomasville, GA; 11-22-96; Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; 8 hours
Tax Update: Individual Returns; Cincinnati, OH; 12-12-96; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update: Business Returns; Cincinnati, OH; 12-13-96; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Partnerships, L.L.C.s, and S Corporations; Columbus, OH; 12-16-96; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
S Corporations – A Comprehensive Review; Columbus, OH; 12-17-96; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update: Individual Returns; Cleveland, OH; 12-19-96; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update: Business Returns; Cleveland, OH; 12-20-96; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 and Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 12-2-97; Federal Income Tax Seminars; 8 hours
The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 and Individual Income Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 12-4-97; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 and Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-9-97; Federal income Tax Seminars; 8 hours
The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 and Individual Income Tax Update; Dania, FL; 12-11-97; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
The Capital Gains Provisions of the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997; Panama City, FL; 1-20-98; Miracle Strip FICPA, 2 hours
S Corporations; Ft. Myers, FL; 5-7-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
S Corporations; Boca Raton, FL; 5-8-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
S Corporations; Orlando, FL; 5-14-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
S Corporations; Tampa, FL; 5-15-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
S Corporations; Jacksonville, FL; 6-4-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
S Corporations; Savannah, GA; 6-5-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
S Corporations; Atlanta, GA; 6-11-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
S Corporations; Columbus, GA; 6-12-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
S Corporations; Birmingham, AL; 6-17-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
S Corporations; Mobile, AL; 6-19-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Partnerships; Charlotte, NC; 7-23-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Partnerships; Raleigh, NC; 7-24-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Partnerships; Ft. Myers, FL; 7-30-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Partnerships; Dania, FL; 7-31-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Partnerships; Orlando, FL; 8-6-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Partnerships; Tampa, FL; 8-7-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Strategies of Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies; Ft. Walton Beach, FL; 8-28-98; Carr, Riggs, & Ingram, LLP; 8 hours
Partnerships; Lexington, KY; 9-17-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Partnerships; Louisville, KY; 9-18-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Partnerships; Birmingham, AL; 9-24-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Huntsville, AL; 9-25-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Columbia, SC; 10-1-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Charleston, SC; 10-2-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update Involving the Capital Gains Provisions; Tallahassee, FL; 10-13-98; Tallahassee FICPA Chapter; 2 hours
Tax Update; Raleigh, NC; 10-15-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Wilmington, NC; 10-16-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 10-22-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 10-23-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Memphis, TN; 11-12-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Little Rock, AR; 11-13-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Atlanta, GA; 11-19-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Macon, GA; 11-20-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Ocala, FL; 12-2-98; Collier Hagan CPAs; 8 hours
Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 12-3-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 12-4-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 12-7-98; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
S Corporations – A Comprehensive Review; Ocala, FL; 12-9-98; Collier Hagan CPAs; 8 hours
Tax Update; Ft. Myers, FL; 12-10-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Boca Raton, FL; 12-11-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Nashville, TN; 12-14-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Chattanooga, TN; 12-15-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Knoxville, TN; 12-17-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Ashville, TN; 12-18-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Lexington, KY; 12-21-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Louisville, KY; 12-22-98; Professional Education Seminars Inc.; 8 hours
Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 1-4-99; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 1-5-99; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Tax Update; Jacksonville, FL; 1-7-98; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Selected Topics from S Corporations and Partnerships; 1-12-99; Tallahassee FICPA Chapter; 2 hours
Tax Update; Ft. Walton Beach, FL; 1-14-99; Creel Bryan CPAs; 8 hours
Effects of the Taxpayer Relief Act on Tax Preparation; Panama City, FL; 1-20-99; Miracle Strip FICPA Chapter; 2 hours
Partnerships; Panama City, FL; 4-26-99; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Partnerships; Pensacola, FL; 4-30-99; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Partnerships; Tallahassee, FL; 5-3-99; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
S Corporations – A Comprehensive Review; Orlando, FL; 5-7-99; Professional Education Seminars Inc; 8 hours
LLCs; Gainesville, FL; 5-14-99; Federal Income Tax Seminars; 8 hours
LLCs; Ft. Myers, FL; 5-21-99; Professional Education Seminars Inc; 8 hours
S Corporations – A Comprehensive Review; Thomasville, GA; 5-27-99; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
S Corporations – A Comprehensive Review; Tampa, FL; 6-4-99; Professional Education Seminars Inc; 8 hours
S Corporations – A Comprehensive Review; Ft. Walton Beach, FL; 6-8-99; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
S Corporations – A Comprehensive Review; Miami, FL; 6-10-99; Professional Education Seminars Inc; 8 hours
S Corporations – A Comprehensive Review; Boca Raton, FL; 6-11-99; Professional Education Seminars Inc; 8 hours
LLCs; Dania, FL; 6-17-99; Professional Education Seminars Inc; 8 hours
LLCs; Orlando, FL; 6-18-99; Professional Education Seminars Inc; 8 hours
LLCs; Tampa, FL; 6-23-99; Professional Education Seminars Inc; 8 hours
Limited Liability Companies; Albany, GA; 10-28-99; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Everybody’s Federal Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 11-11-99; Western CPE; 8 hours
Everybody’s Federal Tax Update; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 11-12-99; Western CPE; 8 hours
Recent Changes and Restructuring Within the IRS; Panama City, FL; 11-17-99; Miracle Stripe CPA Chapter; 2 hours
S Corporations – A Comprehensive Review; Ft. Walton Beach, FL; 11-18-99; Creel, Bryan &
Gallagher CPAs; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Daytona Beach, FL; 12-1-99; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Melbourne, FL; 12-2-99; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 12-3-99; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 12-6-99; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 12-8-99; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 12-9-99; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Sarasota, FL; 12-10-99; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-13-99; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 12-14-99; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Plant City, FL; 12-16-99; Firm Bella, Hermida, Gillan & Handcock CPAs; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Ocala, FL; 12-17-99; Collier Hagan CPAs; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 1-6-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Myers, FL; 1-7-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Walton Beach, FL; 1-14-00; Creel, Bryan & Gallagher CPAs; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 1-18-00; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gunn CPAs; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 1-27-00; Graham & Cottrell CPAs; 8 hours
Seminar in Real Estate Taxation; Pensacola, FL; 5-9-00; Federal Income Tax Seminars; 8 hours
The Various Types of Interest Expense Deductions; Ocala, FL; 5-16-00; Mid-Florida FICPA Chapter; 2 hours
S Corporations – From Formation to Liquidation; Ocala, FL; 5-18-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Seminar in Real Estate Taxation; Tallahassee, FL; 5-24-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
S Corporations – From Formation to Liquidation; Boca Raton, FL; 5-31-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Boca Raton, FL; 5-31-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Boca Raton, FL; 6-1-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Thomasville, GA; 6-13-00; Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; 8 hours
LLC: A Comprehensive Review; Daytona Beach, FL; 6-14-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Melbourne, FL; 6-15-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
LLC: A Comprehensive Review; Tallahassee, FL; 6-28-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
LLC: A Comprehensive Review; Ft. Walton Beach, FL; 6-29-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
LLC: A Comprehensive Review; Thomasville, GA; 7-18-00; Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; 8 hours
Enrolled Agent Review Course; Augusta, GA; 8-17/19-00; Rhodes Murphy Income Tax Service; 20 hours
Income Tax Update; Springfield, IL; 9-7-00; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Springfield, IL; 9-8-00; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 9-14-00; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Birmingham, AL; 9-15-00; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; Chicago, IL; 9-2100; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Chicago, IL; 9-22-00; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
LLC: A Comprehensive Review; Ft. Walton Beach, FL; 9-28-00; Creel, Bryan & Gallagher CPAs; 8 hours
LLC: A Comprehensive Review; Tallahassee, FL; 10-13-00; Williams, Cox, Widener & Cox CPAs; 8 hours
Real Estate Taxation After Recent Tax Law Changes; Panama City, FL; 11-6-00; Miracle Strip FICPA Chapter; 2 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Tallahassee, FL; 11-10-00; Williams, Cox, Widener & Cox CPAs; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 11-16-00; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Greensboro, NC 11-17-00; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; Daytona Beach, FL; 11-29-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; Melbourne, FL; 11-30-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 12-1-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 12-6-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 12-7-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; Sarasota, FL; 12-8-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 12-11-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; Panama City FL; 12-12-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-13-00; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; Nashville, TN; 12-15-00; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; Little Rock, AR; 12-18-00; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; Raleigh, NC; 12-20-00; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Raleigh, NC; 12-21-00; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-28-00; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Charlotte, NC; 12-29-00; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 1-4-01; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; Ft. Walton Beach, FL; 1-12-01; Creel, Bryan & Gallagher CPAs; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 1-16-01; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gunn CPAs; 8 hours
Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 1-26-01; Graham Cotrill CPAs; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; West Palm Beach, FL; 5-16-01; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 5-17-01; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Miami, FL; 5-18-01; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Orlando, FL; 5-31-01; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Tampa, NC; 6-1-01; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Chicago, IL; 9-5-01; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
S Corporation: From Formation to Liquidation; Chicago, IL; 9-6-01; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Chicago, IL; 9-7-01; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 9-20-01; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Dallas, TX; 10-31-01; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Houston, TX; 11-2-01; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Little Rock, AR; 11-9-01; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Greensboro, NC; 11-15-01; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 11-16-01; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Ocala, FL; 11-21-01; Collier Hagan CPAs; 8 hours
Tax Update; Daytona Beach, FL; 11-28-01; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Tax Update; Melbourne, FL; 11-29-01; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 11-30-01; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 12-3-01; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 12-5-01; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 12-6-01; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 12-7-01; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Tax Update; Sarasota, FL; 12-8-01; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 12-10-01; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-11-01; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
Tax Update; Nashville, TN; 12-14-01; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Raleigh, NC; 12-17-01; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Raleigh, NC; 12-18-01; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review: Charlotte, NC; 12-20-01; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-21-01; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 1-10-02; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund CPAs; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; 1-11-02; Pensacola, FL; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund CPAs; 8 hours
Tax Update; Panama City, FL, TN; 1-15-02; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund CPAs; 8 hours
Tax Update, Naples, FL; 1-17-02, Girardin, Baldwin & DiBenedetto CPAs; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Naples, FL; 1-18-02; Girardin, Baldwin & DiBenedetto CPAs; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; West Palm Beach, FL; 5-29-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 5-30-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Miami, FL; 5-31-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Tampa, FL; 6-17-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Orlando, FL; 6-18-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Seminar in Real Estate Taxation; Bainbridge, GA; 6-21-02; Federal Income Tax Education Seminars; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Chicago, IL; 9-4-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Chicago, IL; 9-5-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Chicago, IL; 9-6-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 9-27-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Birmingham, AL; 9-28-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Implications of Limited Liability Companies; Tallahassee, FL; 10-4-02; Florida State University Fall Accounting Conference; 1.5 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Orlando; 11-8-02; Osburn, Henning & Company CPAs; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Naples, FL; 11-14-02; Girardin, Baldwin & DiBenedetto CPAs; 8 hours
Seminar in Real Estate Taxation; Naples, FL; 11-15-02; Girardin, Baldwin & DiBenedetto CPAs; 8 hours
Tax Update; Raleigh, NC; 11-21-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
S Corporations: A Comprehensive Review; 11-22-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 12-4-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 12-5-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 12-6-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Sarasota, FL; 12-7-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 12-9-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-10-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Daytona Beach, FL; 12-12-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Melbourne, FL; 12-13-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 12-16-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Greensboro, NC; 12-17-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-19-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Charlotte, NC; 12-20-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 12-23-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 12-27-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 12-28-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Miami, FL; 12-29-02; Bell Learning Systems; 8 hours
Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 1-9-03; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund CPAs; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Pensacola, FL; 1-10-03; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund CPAs; 8 hours
Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 1-16-03; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund CPAs; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review: Panama City, FL; 1-17-03; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund CPAs; 8 hours
Sale of Residence Regulations; Cairo, GA; 1-28-03; Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; 2 hours
Tax Provisions Available to Businesses; Bainbridge, GA; 1-30-03; Bainbridge College; 3 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Tampa, FL; 5-22-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Tampa, FL; 5-23-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Boca Raton, FL; 5-28-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Boca Raton, FL; 5-29-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 5-30-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Orlando, FL; 6-6-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Orlando, FL; 6-7-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Miami, FL; 6-18-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Miami Lakes, FL; 6-19-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 6-20-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Grand Rapids, MI; 6-23-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Grand Rapids, MI; 6-24-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Troy, MI; 6-26-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Troy, MI; 6-27-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Charleston, SC; 8-19-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Columbia, SC; 8-21-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Chicago, IL; 9-2-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Chicago, IL; 9-3-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns for a Decedent; Chicago, IL; 9-4-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Chicago, IL; 9-5-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 9-11-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Birmingham, AL; 9-12-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Montgomery, AL; 9-18-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Marietta, GA; 9-30-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Atlanta, GA; 10-1-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Macon, GA; 10-2-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Savannah, GA; 10-7-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Valdosta, GA; 10-8-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Orlando, FL; 10-17-03; Osburn Henning CPAs; 8 hours
Tax Planning for the Coming Tax Season; Thomasville, GA; 10-21-03; Red Hills Tax Institute; 4 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 10-29-03; Alabama Society of Enrolled Agents; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns for a Decedent; Birmingham, AL; 10-30-03; Alabama Society of Enrolled Agents; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns for a Decedent; Thomasville, GA; 11-4-03; Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 11-18-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 11-19-93; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns for a Decedent; Tallahassee, FL; 11-20-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City; 10-21-03; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund CPAs; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Raleigh, NC; 12-1-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Raleigh, NC; 12-2-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-4-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Charlotte, NC; 12-5-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns for a Decedent; Greensboro; 12-6-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 12-8-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Greensboro, NC; 12-9-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns for a Decedent; Charlotte, NC; 12-10-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-12-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 12-15-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns for a Decedent; Orlando, FL; 12-16-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 12-17-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Miami, FL; 12-18-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Sarasota, FL; 12-19-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 12-22-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns for a Decedent; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 12-23-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 12-29-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns for a Decedent; Tampa, FL; 12-30-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Melbourne, FL; 1-5-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 1-6-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Daytona Beach, FL; 1-8-03; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns for a Decedent; Daytona Beach, FL; 1-9-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2003 Income Tax Update; Cairo, GA; 1-12-04; Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; 2 hours
Seminar in Real Estate Taxation; Pensacola, FL; 1-15-05; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund CPAs; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 1-16-05; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund CPAs; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Tampa, FL; 5-27-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
The Life Cycle of Limited Liability Companies Within Partnership Taxation; Tampa, FL; 5-28-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
The Life Cycle of Limited Liability Companies Within Partnership Taxation; West Palm Beach, FL; 6-2-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance ; West Palm Beach, FL; 6-3-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 6-4-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance ; Miami, FL; 6-9-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
The Life Cycle of Limited Liability Companies Within Partnership Taxation; Miami Lakes, FL; 6-10-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 6-11-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
The Life Cycle of Limited Liability Companies Within Partnership Taxation; Orlando, FL; 10-17-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Orlando, FL; 10-18-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
The Life Cycle of Limited Liability Companies Within Partnership Taxation; Toledo, OH; 6-24-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Livonia, MI; 6-25-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
The Life Cycle of Limited Liability Companies Within Partnership Taxation; Kalamazoo, MI; 6-28-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
The Life Cycle of Limited Liability Companies Within Partnership Taxation; Grand Rapids, MI; 6-29-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Chicago, IL; 9-8-94; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Chicago, IL; 9-9-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Chicago, IL; 9-10-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Montgomery, AL; 9-22-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 9-23-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation: Birmingham, AL; 9-24-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; Osburn Henning; 10-29-04; 8 hours
Working with S Corporations and LLCs; Thomasville, GA; 11-9-04; Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; 8 hours
Preparing for the Coming Tax Season; Gainesville, FL; 11-12-04; University of Florida Accounting Conference; 1 hour
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Atlanta, GA; 11-17-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 11-19-06; Tipton, Marler, Garner & Chastain CPAs; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Sarasota, FL; 11-29-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 11-30-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 12-1-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 12-2-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-3-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Melbourne, FL; 12-6-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Daytona Beach, FL; 12-7-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 12-9-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 12-10-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Raleigh, NC; 12-13-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Raleigh, NC; 12-14-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-16-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporation: From Formation to Liquidation; Charlotte, NC; 12-17-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Greensboro, NC; 12-18-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 12-20-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Greensboro, NC; 12-21-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Charlotte, NC; 12-22-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-23-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Miami, FL; 12-27-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 12-28-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 12-29-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Myers, FL; 12-30-04; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update - 1; Pensacola, FL; 1-6-05;Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund CPAs; 8 hours
2004 Individual Income Tax Update - 2; Pensacola, FL; 1-7-05; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund CPAs; 8 hours
2004 Income Tax Update; Cairo, GA; 1-10-05; Southwest Georgia Chapter of CPAs; 4 hours
2004 Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 1-11-05; Tallahassee Chapter of the Florida Institute of CPAs; 2 hours
2004 Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; Birmingham Chapter of the Alabama Institute of CPAs; 4 hours
Ethics and the Tax Practitioner; Tallahassee, FL; 1-18-05; Tallahassee Chapter of Enrolled Agents, 2 hours
2004 Income Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 2-10-05; North Central Florida Chapter of the FICPA; 3 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Ocala, FL; 5-24-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Tampa, FL; 5-25-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Tampa, FL; 5-26-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Daytona Beach, FL; 6-1-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; West Palm Beach, FL; 6-2-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; West Palm Beach, FL; 6-3-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Miami, FL; 6-6-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Miami Lakes, FL; 6-7-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 6-8-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 6-9-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Ft. Myers, FL; 6-10-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Ft. Walton Beach, FL; 6-14-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Orlando, FL; 6-16-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Orlando, FL; 6-17-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Troy, MI; 6-22-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Livonia, MI; 6-23-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Livonia, MI; 6-24-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Kalamazoo, MI; 6-27-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Grand Rapids, MI; 6-28-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Lansing, MI; 6-29-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Chicago, IL; 9-7-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Chicago, IL; 9-8-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Chicago, IL; 9-9-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Montgomery, AL; 9-21-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 9-22-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Birmingham, AL; 9-23-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Lakeland, FL; 10-27-05; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
Seminar in Real Estate Taxation; Orlando, FL; 11-15-05; Osburn, Henning & Company CPAs; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 11-22-05; Tipton, Marler, Garner & Chastain CPAs; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Sarasota, FL; 11-29-95; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 11-30-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 12-1-5; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 12-2-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Wilmington, NC; 12-5-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Raleigh, NC; 12-6-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Raleigh, NC; 12-7-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 12-8-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review: Greensboro, NC; 12-9-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Greensboro, NC; 12-12-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-13-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Charlotte, NC; 12-14-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Charlotte, NC; 12-15-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-16-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Melbourne, FL; 12-19-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Daytona Beach, FL; 12-20-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-21-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 12-22-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 12-23-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Myers, FL; 12-27-95; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Miami, FL; 12-28-95; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 12-29-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 12-30-05; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 1-6-06; Graham Cottrell CPAs; 8 hours
2005 Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 1-13-06; Birmingham Chapter of the Alabama Institute of CPAs; 4 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Ocala, FL; 5-23-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Tampa, FL; 5-24-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
1031 Like-Kind Exchange; Tampa, FL; 5-25-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Daytona, FL; 5-31-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
1031 Like-Kind Exchange; West Palm Beach, FL; 6-1-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; West Pam Beach, FL; 6-2-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Miami, FL; 6-5-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
1031 Like-Kind Exchange; Miami, FL; 6-6-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
1031 Like-Kind Exchange; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 6-7-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 6-8-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Ft. Myers, FL; 6-9-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
1031 Like-Kind Exchange; Pensacola, FL; 6-13-06; University of West Florida Accounting Conference; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Orlando, FL; 6-15-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
1031 Like-Kind Exchange; Orlando, FL; 6-16-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Troy, MI; 6-21-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Livonia, MI; 6-22-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
1031 Like-Kind Exchange; Livonia, MI; 6-23-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Chicago, IL; 8-14-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
1031 Like-Kind Exchange; Chicago, IL; 8-15-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review: 1031 Like-Kind Exchange; Chicago; 8-16-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Chicago, IL; 8-17-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Montgomery, AL; 9-20-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 9-21-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
1031 Like-Kind Exchange; Birmingham, AL; 9-22-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 10-25-06; Osburn, Henning & Company CPAs; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Lakeland, FL; 10-26-06; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
Seminar in Real Estate Taxation; Lakeland, FL; 10-27-06; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Myers, FL; 11-29-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Sarasota, FL; 11-30-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 12-1-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 12-4-06; University of West Florida; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 12-5-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-6-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 12-7-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 12-8-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Miami, FL; 12-11-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 12-12-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 12-13-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Melbourne, FL; 12-14-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Daytona Beach, FL; 12-15-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Raleigh, NC; 12-18-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Raleigh, NC; 12-19-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
1031 Like-Kind Exchange; Greensboro, NC; 12-20-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 12-21-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Greensboro, NC 12-22-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-27-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Charlotte, NC; 12-28-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
1031 Like-Kind Exchange; Charlotte, NC; 12-29-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-30-06; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 1-10-07; Tipton, Marler, Garner & Chastain CPAs; 8 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Destin, FL; 1-11-07; Carr, Riggs & Ingram CPAs; 4 hours
2006 Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 2-13-07; Tallahassee Chapter of FICPAs; 2 hours>
Individual Income Tax Update; Atlanta, GA; 4-30-07; Carr, Riggs & Ingram CPAs; 4 hours
Real Estate Taxation; Atlanta, GA; 5-1-07; Carr, Riggs & Ingram CPAs; 4 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Tampa, FL, NC; 6-11-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Tampa, FL; 6-12-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Orlando, FL; 6-13-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Orlando, FL; 6-14-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Daytona Beach, FL; 6-15-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; West Palm Beach, FL; 6-18-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; West Palm Beach, FL; 6-19-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 6-20-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 6-21-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Miami, FL; 6-22-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Miami, FL; 6-25-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Ft. Myers, FL; 6-26-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 6-27-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Chicago, IL; 8-8-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Chicago, IL; 8-9-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Fort Waltin Beach, FL; 8-23-07; Emerald Coast CPAs; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Birmingham, AL; 9-20-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 9-21-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 11-7-07; Osburn Henning & Co.; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Lakeland, FL; 11-8-07; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Lakeland, FL; 11-9-07; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Myers, FL; 11-27-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Sarasota, FL; 11-28-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 11-29-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 11-30-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 12-4-07; Federal Income Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 12-5-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-6-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 12-7-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Miami, FL; 12-10-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 12-11-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 12-12-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Melbourne, FL; 12-13-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Daytona Beach, FL; 12-14-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Raleigh, NC; 12-17-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Raleigh, NC; 12-18-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Greensboro, NC; 12-19-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 12-20-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-21-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
LLCs: A Comprehensive Review; Charlotte, NC; 12-27-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Charlotte, NC; 12-28-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-29-07; PPC-Bell Learning; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 1-8-08; Tipton, Marler, Garner & Chastain; 8 hours
2007 Individual Income Tax Update; Navarre, FL; 1-11-08; O’Sullivan & Creel; 8 hours
Entity Selection; Orlando, FL; 5-5-08; Carr, Riggs & Ingram; 2 hours
LLCs: An Introduction; Orlando, FL; 5-6-08; Carr, Riggs & Ingram; 4 hours
Real Estate Topics; Tallahassee, FL; 5-15-08; Thomas, Howell & Ferguson; 2 hours
Real Estate Tax Planning and Compliance; Daytona Beach, FL; 6-9-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Contractor Taxation; Orlando, FL; Orlando, FL; 6-10-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Contractor Taxation; Tampa, FL; 6-11-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns of a Decedent; Tampa, FL; 6-12-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns of a Decedent; Orlando, FL; 6-13-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Contractor Taxation; West Palm Beach, FL; 6-16-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns of a Decedent; West Palm Beach, FL; 6-17-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Contractor Taxation; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 6-18-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns of a Decedent; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 6-19-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Contractor Taxation; Miami, FL; 6-20-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns of a Decedent; Miami, FL; 6-23-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns of a Decedent; Ft. Myers, FL; 6-24-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Contractor Taxation; Sarasota, FL; 6-25-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Contractor Taxation; Ft. Walton Beach, FL; 6-27-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns of a Decedent; Chicago, IL; 8-14-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Contractor Taxation; Chicago, IL; 8-15-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 8-25-08; Bernard Robinson, LLC; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 9-18-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns of a Decedent; Birmingham, AL; 9-19-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Lakeland, FL; 10-27-08; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
S Corporations; From Formation to Liquidation; Lakeland, FL; 10-28-08; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Lakeland, FL; 10-27-08; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 11-3-08; Osburn Henning & Co.; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 11-13-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Crestview, FL; 11-17-08; Lundy & Bowers; 8 hours
Income Tax Topics; Crestview, FL; 11-18-08; Lundy & Bowers; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 12-1-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 12-2-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 12-3-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Sarasota, FL; 12-4-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Myers, FL; 12-5-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Miami, FL; 12-8-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 12-9-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 12-10-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Melbourne, FL; 12-11-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Daytona Beach, FL; 12-12-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Raleigh, NC, 12-15-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns of a Decedent; Raleigh, NC; 12-16-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 12-17-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Contractor Taxation; Greensboro, NC; 12-18-08; David Holt Seminars
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-19-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Contractor Taxation; Charlotte, NC; 12-20-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns of a Decedent; Charlotte, NC; 12-21-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-22-08; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 1-6-09; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 1-7-09; David Holt Seminars; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 1-8-09; Tipton, Marler, Garner & Chastain; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 1-16-09; Birmingham Chapter CPAs; 4 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Navarre, FL; 1-23-09; O’Sullivan & Creel, LLC; 8 hours
2008 Individual Income Tax Update; Savannah, GA; 5-12-09; Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC; 4 hours
Entity Selection; Savannah, GA; 5-13-09; Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC; 2 hours
Real Estate Taxation; Orange Beach, AL; 5-15-09; Horton Lee, LLC; 4 hours
Limited Liability Companies Within Partnership Taxation; Miami, FL; 6-8-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Seminar in Real Estate Taxation; Miami, FL; 6-9-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Limited Liability Companies Within Partnership Taxation; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 6-10-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Seminar in Real Estate Taxation; West Palm Beach; 6-11-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Limited Liability Companies Within Partnership Taxation; Daytona Beach, FL; 6-12-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Seminar in Real Estate Taxation; Orlando; 6-15-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Seminar in Real Estate Taxation; Tampa; 6-16-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Seminar in Real Estate Taxation; Tallahassee; 6-18-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Chicago, IL; 9-8-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation; Chicago, IL; 9-9-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Seminar in Real Estate Taxation; Chicago, IL; 9-10-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Last Tax Returns of a Decedent; Chicago, IL; 9-11-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 9-15-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Seminar in Real Estate Taxation; Birmingham, AL; 9-16-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Montgomery, AL; 9-17-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Dothan, AL; 9-17-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Hutchinson, KS; 10-26-09; Lindburg Vogel Pierce Farris, Chartered; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Lakeland, FL; 11-16-09; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
Small Business Taxation; Lakeland, FL; 11-17-09; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 11-18-09; Osburn Henning & Co., CPAs; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 12-17-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 11-20-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 12-1-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 12-2-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Sarasota, FL; 12-3-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Myers, FL; 12-4-08; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Miami, FL; 12-7-08; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 12-8-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 12-9-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Melbourne, FL; 12-10-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Daytona Beach, FL; 12-11-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Seminar in Real Estate Taxation; Raleigh, NC, FL; 12-14-09; Raleigh CPA Firm; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Raleigh, NC, 12-15-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Seminar in Real Estate Taxation; Raleigh, NC; 12-16-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 12-17-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Limited Liability Companies Within Partnership Taxation; Greensboro, NC; 12-18-08; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-21-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 12-22-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-28-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Limited Liability Companies Within Partnership Taxation; Charlotte, NC; 12-29-08; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Seminar in Real Estate Taxation; Charlotte, NC; 12-30-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-31-09; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update Part 1; Pensacola, FL; 1-5-10; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update Part 2; Pensacola, FL; 1-6-10; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 1-7-10; Tipton, Marler, Garner & Chastain; 8 hours
2009 Individual Income Tax Update; Navarre, FL; 1-8-10; O’Sullivan & Creel, LLC; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Memphis, TN; 5-17-10; Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC; 4 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 9-15-10; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Small Business Taxation; Birmingham; AL; 9-16-10; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Montgomery, AL; 9-17-10; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Lake Guntersville State Park, AL; 10-25-2010; Alabama Sociey of Enrolled Agents; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Lakeland, FL; 11-8-2010; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
Small Business Taxation, Part 2; Lakeland, FL; 11-9-2010; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 11-22-2010; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 11-29-2010; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 11-30-2010; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 12-1-2010; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Sarasota, FL; 12-2-2010; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Fort Myers, FL; 12-3-2010; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Miami, FL; 12-6-2010; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 12-7-2010; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 12-8-2010; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Melbourne, FL; 12-9-2010; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Daytona Beach, FL; 12-10-2010; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Wilmington, NC; 12-13-2010; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Raleigh, NC; 12-14-2010; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 12-16-2010; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-17-2010; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 12-20-2010; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-21-2010; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update Part 1; Pensacola, FL; 1-4-2011; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update Part 2; Pensacola, FL; 1-5-2011; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 1-6-2011; Tipton, Marler, Garner & Chastain; 8 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Navarre, FL; 1-7-2011; O’Sullivan & Creel, LLC; 4 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 1-11-2011; Tallahassee Chapter of FICPAs; 2 hours
2010 Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 1-14-2011; Averett Warmus Durkee Osburn Henning CPAs; 8 hours
2010 Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 1-21-2011; Birmingham Chapter of the Alabama Institute of CPAs; 4 hours
2010 Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 1-27-2011; Pearce Bevill; 8 hours
Small Business Taxation; Birmingham, AL; 5-23-2011; Alabama Sociey of Enrolled Agents; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Lakeland, FL; 11-9-2011; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
Advanced Partnership Taxation; Lakeland, FL; 11-10-2011; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 11-21-2011; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Wilmington, NC; 11-28-2011; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Raleigh, NC; 11-29-2011; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 12-1-2011; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-2-2011; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 12-5-2011; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 12-6-2011; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 12-7-2011; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Sarasota, FL; 12-8-2011; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Fort Myers, FL; 12-9-2011; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Miami, FL; 12-12-2011; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 12-13-2011; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 12-14-2011; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Melbourne, FL; 12-15-2011; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Daytona Beach, FL; 12-16-2011; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 12-19-2011; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-20-2011; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2011 Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 1-6-2012; Pearce Bevill; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham AL; 1-13-2012; Birmingham Chapter of the Alabama Institute of CPAs; 4 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update Part 1; Pensacola, FL; 1-9-2012; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update Part 2; Pensacola, FL; 1-10-2012; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 1-12-2012; Tipton, Marler, Garner & Chastain; 8 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham AL; 1-13-2012; Birmingham Chapter of the Alabama Institute of CPAs; 4 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Ocala, FL; 1-19-2012; Mid-Florida Chapter of FICPAs; 2 hours
2011 Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 1-20-2012; Averett Warmus Durkee Osburn Henning CPAs; 8 hours
Reporting Income from Cancellation of Debt; Tallahassee, FL; 6-19-2012; Capital City Chapter of FSEA; 2 hours
Entity Selection for the Business Owner; Tallahassee, FL; 7-17-2012; Capital City Chapter of FSEA; 2 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Lakeland, FL; 10-22-2012; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
2012 Tax Potpourri; Lakeland, FL; 10-23-20121; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
Ethics in Tax Practice; Tallahassee, FL; 11-13-2012; Capital City Chapter of FSEA; 2 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 11-19-2012; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Raleigh, NC; 11-27-2012; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 11-28-2012; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 11-29-2012; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 12-3-2012; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 12-4-2012; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 12-5-2012; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Sarasota, FL; 12-6-2012; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Fort Myers, FL; 12-7-2012; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Miami, FL; 12-10-2012; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 12-11-2012; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 12-12-2012; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Melbourne, FL; 12-13-2012; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Daytona Beach, FL; 12-15-2012; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 12-17-2012; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-18-2012; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-27-2012; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2012 Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 1-3-2013; Pearce Bevill; 8 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 1-8-2013; Tallahassee Chapter of the Florida Institute of CPAs; 2 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 1-11-2013; Birmingham Chapter of the Alabama Institute of CPAs; 4 hours
2012 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 1-17-2013; Tipton, Marler, Garner & Chastain; 8 hours
Taxes and the Affordable Care Act: Tallahassee, FL; 6-11-2013; Capital City Chapter FSEA; 2 hours
Midwest in Motion; Chicago, IL; 6-13-2013; Illinois Society of Enrolled Agents; 8 hours
Tax Preparer Ethical Issues; Tallahassee, FL; 7-16-2013; Capital City Chapter FSEA; 2 hours
Taxes and the Healthcare Act; Birmingham, AL; 7-26-2013; Beta Alpha Psi; 2 hours
Entity Selection for the Business Owner; Birmingham, AL; 7-26-2013; Beta Alpha Psi; 2 hours
Affordable Care Act – Insurance Mandate; Tallahassee, FL; 9-17-2013; Capital City FSEA; 2 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 9-23-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Navigating the Affordable Care Act; Birmingham, AL; 9-24-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Montgomery, AL; 9-25-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Navigating the Affordable Care Act; Troy, MI; 9-30-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Navigating the Affordable Care Act; Livonia, MI 10-1-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Navigating the Affordable Care Act; Okemos, MI 10-2-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Navigating the Affordable Care Act; Chicago, IL; 10-4-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Navigating the Affordable Care Act; Orlando, FL; 10-16-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Lakeland, FL; 10-17-2013; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
Navigating the Affordable Care Act; Lakeland, FL; 10-18-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Navigating the Affordable Care Act; Pensacola, FL; 10-28-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Navigating the Affordable Care Act; Miami Lakes, FL; 11-4-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Navigating the Affordable Care Act; Daytona Beach, FL; 11-6-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Navigating the Affordable Care Act; Panama City, FL; 11-14-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 11-19-2012; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Raleigh, NC; 11-19-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 11-20-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 11-21-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Navigating the Affordable Care Act; Charlotte, NC; 11-22-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 11-25-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Hutchinson, KS; 11-26-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 12-2-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 12-3-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 12-4-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Sarasota, FL; 12-5-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Fort Myers, FL; 12-6-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Miami, FL; 12-9-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 12-10-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 12-11-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Melbourne, FL; 12-12-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Daytona Beach, FL; 12-14-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 12-16-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-17-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Tax Update/Affordable Care Act; Martin, TN; 12-19-2013; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2013 Tax Update/Affordable Care Act; Panama City, FL; 1-3-2014; Tipton, Marler, Garner & Chastain; 8 hours
2013 Individual Income Tax Update; Baton Rouge, LA; 1-5-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Navigating the Affordable Care Act; Baton Rouge, LA; 1-6-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Taxes and the Affordable Care Act; Tallahassee, FL; 1-14-2014; Tallahassee Chapter of the Florida Institute of CPAs; 2 hours
Ethics in Tax Practice; Tallahassee, FL; 6-17-2014; Capital City Chapter of FSEA; 2 hours
Navigating the Affordable Care Act; Indianapolis, IN; 8-22-2014; Indiana Society of Enrolled Agents; 7 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 9-18-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Navigating the Affordable Care Act; Birmingham, AL; 9-19-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Montgomery, AL; 10-20-2014; Alabama Society of Enrolled Agents; 8 hours
Navigating the Affordable Care Act; Montgomery, AL; 10-21-2014; Alabama Society of Enrolled Agents; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Lakeland, FL; 10-31-2014; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 11-13-2014; James Moore & Co.; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Raleigh, NC; 11-18-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 11-19-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 11-20-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
Navigating the Affordable Care Act; Charlotte, NC; 11-21-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Hutchinson, KS; 11-24-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 12-1-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 12-2-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Sarasota, FL; 12-4-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Fort Myers, FL; 12-5-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Miami, FL; 12-8-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 12-9-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 12-11-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Melbourne, FL; 12-12-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 12-15-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 12-16-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-17-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 12-18-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Daytona Beach, FL; 12-19-2014; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 1-6-2015; Tipton, Marler, Garner & Chastain; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Baton Rouge, LA; 1-8-2015; LSU Accounting Department; 8 hours
Navigating the Affordable Care Act; Baton Rouge, LA; 1-9-2015; LSU Accounting Department; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 1-12-2015; Saltmarash, Cleaveland & Gund; 8 hours
Affordable Care Act/Repair Regulations; Pensacola, FL; 1-13-2015; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 1-15-2015; Rehmann CPA Firm; 8 hours
Affordable Care Act/Repair Regulations; Pensacola, FL; 1-16-2015; Rehmann CPA Firm; 8 hours
2014 Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 1-23-15; Birmingham CPA Chapter; 4 hours
Ethics for the Tax Professional; Tallahassee, FL; 6-16-15; Florida Society of Enrolled Agents Capital City Chapter; 2 hours
Tangible Property Regulations; Tallahassee, FL; 7-21-15; Florida Society of Enrolled Agents Capital City Chapter; 2 hours
The Insurance Mandates of the Affordable Care Act; 8-18-15; Florida Society of Enrolled Agents Capital City Chapter; 2 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 9-17-15; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2015 Income Tax Potpourri; Birmingham, AL; 9-18-15; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2015 Individual Income Tax Update; Montgomery, AL; 10-26-2015; Alabama Society of Enrolled Agents; 8 hours
2015 Income Tax Potpourri; Montgomery, AL; 10-27-2015; Alabama Society of Enrolled Agents; 8 hours
2015 Income Tax Potpourri: Lakeland, FL; 10-29-2015; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
2015 Individual Income Tax Update; Lakeland, FL; 10-30-2015; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Raleigh, NC; 11-16-2015; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 11-17-2015; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 11-18-2015; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Clarion, PA; 11-19-2015; Clarion University; 8 hours
2015 Federal Income Tax Potpourri; Clarion, PA; 11-20-2015; Clarion University; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Hutchinson, KS; 11-23-2015; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 11-30-2015; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 12-1-2015; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 12-2-2015; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Sarasota, FL; 12-3-2015; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Fort Myers, FL; 12-4-2015; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Miami, FL; 12-7-2015; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 12-8-2015; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 12-9-2015; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Melbourne, FL; 12-10-2015; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Daytona Beach, FL; 12-11-2015; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 12-14-2015; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 12-15-2015; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-16-2015; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Baton Rouge, LA; 1-7-2016; LSU Accounting Department; 8 hours
2015 Federal Partnership Taxation with S Corporation Comparisons; Baton Rouge, LA; 1-8-2016; LSU Accounting Department; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 1-12-2016; Carr, Riggs & Ingram; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 1-14-2016; Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund; 8 hours
2015 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 1-15-16; Birmingham CPA Chapter; 8 hours
Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015; 1-19-2016; Florida Society of Enrolled Agents Capital City Chapter; 2 hours
Ethics: Sanctions for Violations; Tallahassee, FL; 5-17-2016; Florida Society of Enrolled Agents Capital City Chapter; 2 hours
Tax Research 101; Tallahassee, FL; 6-21-2016; Florida Society of Enrolled Agents Capital City Chapter; 2 hours
Partnership Taxation with S Corporation Comparisons – Part 1; Tallahassee, FL; 7-19-2016; Florida Society of Enrolled Agents Capital City Chapter; 2 hours
2016 Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 9-16-2016; Birmingham, AL; 9-16-16; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
Partnership Taxation with S Corporation Comparisons; Birmingham, AL; 9-19-2016; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
Partnership Taxation with S Corporation Comparisons – Part 2; Tallahassee, FL; 9-21-2016; Florida Society of Enrolled Agents Capital City Chapter; 2 hours
Partnership Taxation with S Corporation Comparisons – Part 3; Tallahassee, FL; 10-12-2016; Florida Society of Enrolled Agents Capital City Chapter; 2 hours
2016 Individual Income Tax Update; Lakeland, FL; 10-19-2016; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
2016 Income Tax Potpourri; Montgomery, AL; 10-24-2016; Alabama Society of Enrolled Agents; 8 hours
Partnership Taxation with S Corporation Comparisons – Part 4; Tallahassee, FL; 11-9-2016; Florida Society of Enrolled Agents Capital City Chapter; 2 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Clarion, PA; 11-17-2016; Clarion University; 8 hours
Partnership Taxation with S Corporation Comparisons; Clarion, PA; 11-18-2016; Clarion University; 8 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 11-30-2016; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 12-2-2016; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 12-7-2016; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Sarasota, FL; 12-8-2016; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Fort Myers, FL; 12-9-2016; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Miami, FL; 12-12-2016; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 12-13-2016; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 12-14-2016; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Melbourne, FL; 12-15-2016; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Daytona Beach, FL; 12-16-2016; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 12-19-2016; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 12-20-2016; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-21-2016; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Raleigh, NC; 12-28-2016; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 12-29-2016; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-30-2016; Hasselback Seminars; 8 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Baton Rouge, LA; 1-6-2017; LSU Accounting Department; 8 hours
2016 S Corporation Taxation: From Formation to Liquidation; Baton Rouge, LA; 1-7-2017; LSU Accounting Department; 8 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 1-10-2017; Tallahassee FICPA; 2 hours
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 1-12-2017; Carr, Riggs & Ingram; 8 hours
Tax Treatment of Recoveries in Employment Disputes; Tallahassee, FL; 1-17-2017; Florida Society of Enrolled Agents Capital City Chapter; 1 hour
2016 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 1-20-2017; Birmingham CPA Chapter; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 9-18-2917; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation 2017; Birmingham, AL; 9-19-2017; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Lakeland, FL; 9-24-2017; Florida Southern College; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Clarion, PA; 11-16-2017; Clarion University; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation 2017; Clarion, PA; 11-17-2017; Clarion University; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Raleigh, NC; 11-29-2017; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Greensboro, NC; 11-30-2017; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Charlotte, NC; 12-1-2017; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Gainesville, FL; 12-4-2017; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 12-5-2017; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Tampa, FL; 12-6-2017; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Sarasota, FL; 12-7-2017; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Fort Myers, FL; 12-8-2017; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Miami, FL; 12-11-2017; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; 12-12-2017; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; West Palm Beach, FL; 12-13-2017; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Melbourne, FL; 12-14-2017; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Daytona Beach, FL; 12-15-2017; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Pensacola, FL; 12-18-2017; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Panama City, FL; 12-19-2017; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Tallahassee, FL; 12-20-2017; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Baton Rouge, LA; 1-4-2018; Louisiana State University; 8 hours
Seminar in Real Estate Taxation; Baton Rouge, LA; 1-5-2018, Louisiana State University; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Houston, TX; 1-8-2018; Prairie View A&M University; 8 hours
S Corporations: From Formation to Liquidation 2018; Houston, TX; 1-9-2018; Prairie View A&M University; 8 hours
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Orlando, FL; 1-16-2018; Carr, Riggs & Ingram; 8 hours.
2017 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 1-19-2018; Birmingham CPA Chapter; 4 hours.
Qualified Business Income Deduction; Birmingham, AL; 9-13-2018; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2018 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; Birmingham, AL; 9-14-2018; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
Qualified Business Income Deduction; Tampa, FL; 11-27-2018; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
Qualified Business Income Deduction; Orlando, FL; 11-29-2018; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
Qualified Business Income Deduction; Gainesville, FL; 12-4-2018; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
Qualified Business Income Deduction; Daytona Beach, FL; 12-6-2018; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
Qualified Business Income Deduction; Melbourne/Cocoa, FL; 12-13-2018; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
Qualified Business Income Deduction; Miami, FL; 12-14-2018; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
Qualified Business Income Deduction; Pensacola, FL; 12-17-2018; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
Qualified Business Income Deduction ; Tallahassee, FL; 12-19-2018; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
Qualified Business Income Deduction; Panama City, FL; 12-21-2018; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
Qualified Business Income Deduction; 1-3-2019; Baton Rouge, LA; Louisiana State University; 8 hours.
2018 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 1-4-2019; Baton Rough, LA; Louisiana State University; 8 hours.
Qualified Business Income Deduction; 1-16-2019; Orlando, FL; Carr, Riggs & Ingram; 8 hours.
Qualified Business Income Deduction; 1-18-2019; Birmingham, AL; Birmingham CPA Chapter; 8 hours.
Qualified Business Income Deduction; 1-24-2019; Houston, TX; Prairie View A&M University; 8 hours.
2018 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 1-25-2019; Houston, TX; Prairie View A&M University; 8 hours.
2019 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 9-18-2019; Birmingham, AL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2019 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-2-2019; Gainesville, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2019 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-4-2019; Tampa, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2019 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-6-2019; Orlando, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2019 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-9-2019; Daytona Beach, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2019 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-11-2019; Melbourne/Cocoa, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2019 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-13-2019; Miami, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2019 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-16-2019; Panama City, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2019 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-18-2019; Tallahassee, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2019 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-19-2019; Tallahassee, FL; Tallahassee CPA Chapter; 2 hours.
2019 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 1-6-2020; Houston, TX; Prairie View A&M University; 8 hours.
2019 Federal Individual Income Tax Update II; 1-7-2020; Houston, TX; Prairie View A&M University; 8 hours.
2019 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 1-9-2020; Baton Rouge, LA; Louisiana State University; 8 hours.
2019 Federal Individual Income Tax Update II; 1-10-2020; Baton Rouge, LA; Louisiana State University; 8 hours.
Casualty Losses; 1-14-2020; Panama City, FL; Segers, Sowell, Stewart, Johnson & Brill; 4 hours.
2019 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 1-16-2020; Birmingham, AL; Culotta, Scroggins, Hendricks & Gillespie; 8 hours.
2019 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 1-17-2020; Birmingham, AL; Birmingham CPA Chapter; 8 hours.
2019 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 1-22-2020; Orlando, FL; Carr, Riggs & Ingram; 8 hours.
2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 9-17-2020; Birmingham, AL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update II; 9-18-2020; Birmingham, AL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 11-16-2020; Ocala, FL; Canopy; 8 hours.
2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update II; 11-17-2020; Ocala, FL; Canopy; 8 hours.
2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 11-19-2020; Melbourne/Cocoa, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 11-20-2020; Melbourne/Cocoa, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 11-30-2020; Gainesville, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update II; 12-1-2020; Gainesville, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 12-3-2020; Daytona Beach, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update II; 12-4-2020; Daytona Beach, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 12-7-2020; Miami, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update II; 12-8-2020; Miami, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 12-10-2020; Orlando, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update II; 12-11-2020; Orlando, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 12-14-2020; Panama City, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update II; 12-15-2020; Panama City, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 12-17-2020; Tallahassee, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update II; 12-18-2020; Tallahassee, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2021 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 9-16-2021; Birmingham, AL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2021 Federal Individual Income Tax Update II; 9-17-2021; Birmingham, AL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2021 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 11-29-2021; Gainesville, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2021 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-2-2021; Daytona Beach, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2021 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-3-2021; Melbourne/Cocoa, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2021 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-6-2021; Miami, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2021 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-7-2021; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2021 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 12-9-2021; Orlando, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2021 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 12-10-2021; Orlando, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2021 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 12-13-2021; Panama City, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2021 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 12-14-2021; Tallahassee, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2021 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 1-9-2022; Baton Rouge, LA; Louisiana State University; 8 hours.
2021 Federal Individual Income Tax Update II; 1-10-2022; Baton Rouge, LA; Louisiana State University; 8 hours.
2022 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 9-7-2022; Birmingham, AL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2022 Partnership Taxation with S Corporation Comparisons; 9-21-2022; Birmingham, AL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2022 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 11-28-2022; Gainesville, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2022 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 11-30-2022; Orlando, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2022 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-2-2022; Daytona Beach, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2022 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-5-2022; Melbourne/Cocoa, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2022 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-7-2022; Miami, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2022 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-9-2022; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2022 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 12-10-2022; Fort Myers, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2022 Federal Casualty and Theft Losses; 12-13-2022; Fort Myers, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 4 hours.
2022 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-14-2022; Tampa, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2022 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-16-2022; Tallahassee, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2022 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-19-2022; Panama City, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2022 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 1-9-2023; Orlando, FL; Carr, Riggs & Ingram; 7 hours.
2022 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 1-11-2023; Baton Rouge, LA; Louisiana State University; 8 hours.
2022 Partnership Taxation with S Corporation Comparisons; 1-12-2023; Baton Rouge, LA; Louisiana State University; 8 hours.
2023 Federal Individual Income Tax Update, Part I, 9-26-2023; Birmingham, AL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2023 Federal Individual Income Tax Update, Part II, 9-27-2023; Birmingham, AL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2023 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 11-27-2023; Gainesville, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2023 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 11-29-2023 Orlando, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2023 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-1-2023; Daytona Beach, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2023 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-4-2023; Melbourne/Cocoa, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2023 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-6-2023; Miami, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2023 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-8-2023; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2023 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-11-2023; Fort Myers, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2023 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-13-2023; Tampa, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2023 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I; 12-15-2023; Tallahassee, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2023 Federal Individual Income Tax Update; 12-18-2023; Panama City, FL; Hasselback Tax Seminars; 8 hours.
2023 Federal Individual Income Tax Update, Part I; 1-11-2023; Baton Rouge, LA; Louisiana State University; 8 hours.
2023 Federal Individual Income Tax Update, Part II; 1-12-2023; Baton Rouge, LA; Louisiana State University; 8 hours.
“Reporting Income from Debt Cancellation;” CPE Link; April 23, 2010; 2 hours
“Reporting Income from Debt Cancellation;” CPE Link; July 9, 2010; 2 hours
“Reporting Income from Debt Cancellation;” CPE Link; October 20, 2010; 2 hours
“Entity Selection;” CPE Link; October 21, 2010; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; June 25, 2013; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; June 25, 2013; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; June 26, 2013; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; June 26, 2013; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; June 27, 2013; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; June 27, 2013; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; July 8, 2013; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; July 8, 2013; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; July 9, 2013; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; July 9, 2013; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; Sept. 12, 2013; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; Sept, 12, 2013; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; Sept. 18, 2013; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; Sept. 18, 2013; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; Sept. 19, 2013; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; Oct. 30, 2013; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; Oct. 30, 2013; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; Oct. 31, 2013; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; Oct. 31, 2013; 2 hours
“Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;” Gleim Publications; Nov. 1, 2013; 2 hours
"Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;" Gleim Publications; Nov. 12, 2014; 2 hours
"Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;" Gleim Publications; Nov. 12, 2014; 2 hours
"Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;" Gleim Publications; Nov. 14, 2014; 2 hours
"Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;" Gleim Publications; Dec. 29, 2014; 2 hours
"Taxes and the Affordable Care Act;" Gleim Publications; Dec. 29, 2014; 2 hours
"The CARES Act;" Gleim Publications; 11-7-2020; 2 hours
"The CARES Act;" Gleim Publications; 11-11-2020; 2 hours
"The CARES Act; Gleim Publications; 11-14-2020; 2 hours
"The CARES Act;" Gleim Publications; 11-18-2020; 2 hours
"The CARES Act;" Gleim Publications; 12-2-2020; 2 hours
"The CARES Act;" Gleim Publications; 12-12-2020; 2 hours
"2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I;" 1-6-2021; Louisiana State University; 8 hours.
"2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I;" 1-7-2021; Prairie View A&M University; 8 hours.
"2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update II;" 1-8-2021; Prairie View A&M University; 8 hours.
"2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update;" 1-12-2021; Central Florida CPA Chapter; 3 hours.
"2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update;" 1-14-2021; Birmingham, AL; Culotta, Scroggins, Hendricks & Gillespie; 8 hours.
"2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update;" 1-15-2021; Birmingham, AL; Birmingham CPA Chapter; 8 hours.
"2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I;" 1-19-2021; Orlando, FL; Carr, Riggs & Ingram; 4 hours.
"2020 Federal Individual Income Tax Update II;" 1-20-2021; Orlando, FL; Carr, Riggs & Ingram; 4 hours.
"2021 Federal Individual Income Tax Update I;" 1-6-2022; Prairie View A&M University; 8 hours.
"2021 Federal Individual Income Tax Update II;" 1-7-2022; Prairie View A&M University; 8 hours.
"2021 Federal Individual Income Tax Update;" 1-15-2022; Birmingham, AL; Birmingham CPA Chapter; 8 hours.
"2022 Federal Individual Income Tax Update;" 1-5-2023; Prairie View A&M University; 8 hours.
"2022 Partnership Taxation with S Corporation Comparisions;" 1-6-2023; Prairie View A&M University; 8 hours.
"2022 Federal Individual Income Tax Update;" 1-20-2023; Birmingham, AL; Culotta, Scroggins, Hendricks & Gillespie; 8 hours.
2023 Federal Individual Income Tax Update, Part I; 1-4-2024; Prairie View A&M University; 8 hours.
2023 Federal Individual Income Tax Update, Part II, 1-5-2024; Prairie View A&M University; 8 hours.
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