Accounting Faculty Directory

* Directory

The Accounting Faculty Directory includes the dean, department administrator, and each faculty member listed in descending order by rank. The information on each faculty member includes, name, rank, office phone number, teaching/research interests, and the highest degree earned by each faculty member as well as the school and year of the degree. Only full time facultyy are included. An Adjunct teaching part-time is not included in the Directory.

The Directory was compiled every year through 2016-2017. The information was solicited from each school in the spring of each year, effective for the following academic year. Only four-year schools are included in the database.

There are over 1,100 schools in the most recent Directory, including over 900 U.S. schools.

The RANK column is for each faculty member's rank. A $ means acting.

The PHONE column in the faculty member's office phone.

The AREA column is the faculty member's teaching/research interest.

Information on each faculty member includes their teaching/research interests:
A - Auditing
B - Behavioral
C - Cost
D - Computer
E - Education
F - Financial
G - Governmental
H - History
I - International
J - Ethics
L - Business Law
M - Managerial
N - Not-For-Profit
O - Internal Audit
P - Principles
Q - Quantitative
R - CPA Review
S - Systems
T - Theory
U - Controllership
V - Advanced
W - Social
X - Tax
Y - Agency
Z - Oil & Gas
¢ - Forensic

The DEGR column is the faculty member's highest earned degree.

The DT column is the year of the degree. The A column with a . indicates that the doctorate is in Accounting from an US AACSB accredited school.

The SCHOOL column indicates the school of the degree.

The I column is for a CIA certificate - #.

The M column is for a CMA certificate - *.

The P column is for a CPA certificate - &.

The STRT column is for when the person began full-time at that school.

The ADDTL column is for additional information on that person such as a special title.



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